You know how it is Alex As soon as HotS comes out i'll be allll over it again!... not a clue what to do with the new units but nevermind eh
Hah, tbh that's my thinking as well. Really need to find more time for SC2
You know how it is Alex As soon as HotS comes out i'll be allll over it again!... not a clue what to do with the new units but nevermind eh
I watched that match (and most of the others this at I was rather impressed
On a side note, I am mostly matching Silver guys now (or top 4 Bronze) and getting absolutely annihilated pretty much every game if it goes past about 20mins game time
I'm basically playing as if I am going to be cheesed every game (6 pooled, baneling bust, proxy rack or 4 gate) and I think that is where I'm falling down. In all fairness I haven't been cheesed for a while so may have to rethink
I can't be sure without a replay but it's quite likely that you're expanding too late too... unless if you're planning to do aggression, you should take an expansion as soon as you think you can hold an attack without losing a crippling amount... This applies to your second expansion as well as your first.
But yeah.... cheese should be stopped with scouting... Not over defensive play.gas from zerg or lack of gateway/barracks should ring huge alarm bells or a general lack of workers built.
I usually find with Terran I wall in in 1 rack and 2 Supply, Go orbital, then expand. If im playing zerg i expand in side the base then move it out.
Against Protoss i will build a couple bunkers near the expansion. I'm a low silver player myself and this works for me. Oh and scout, always scout.
1RaxFE every game if you want to improve. Scout while your rax is building or after the first depot if you're really scared of cheese.
Flash, Mvp, First, Maru, Byun, Byul and Seed are playing tonight in GSL Code A Ro48 =D
I hope they win their games.
The end of a legacy, the saddest day ever, worse than anything apatch could do.
LG-IM.Mvp falls to Code B for the first time ever leaving only MarineKingPrime to be the only player to have never fallen to Code B during WoL.
well that was unexpected...
You on tonight mate? Might have time for a few games if you're around
The end of a legacy, the saddest day ever, worse than anything apatch could do.
LG-IM.Mvp falls to Code B for the first time ever leaving only MarineKingPrime to be the only player to have never fallen to Code B during WoL.
Wasn't there meant to be an expansion pack for this?
How is Flash doing these days? I've been out of touch with the SC2 scene for a while now but I've watched a couple of vods recently and I love watching his play. It's so clean and methodical and his decision-making is near perfect.
How's he been doing against the other top players? Is he starting to dominate yet
The end of a legacy, the saddest day ever, worse than anything apatch could do.
Yay!... SC2 is finally balanced!
MKP, the greatest SC2 player ever .
Sucks that MVP went out, NesTea award curse tbh . I get the feeling he's gonna have surgery soon (dunno whether to be sad or happy about that :/).
Still need to watch last nights matches, ended up staying up but watched TV and played PoE instead .
My memory isn't the best but I don't think I ever fell to Code B eitherThe end of a legacy, the saddest day ever, worse than anything apatch could do.
LG-IM.Mvp falls to Code B for the first time ever leaving only MarineKingPrime to be the only player to have never fallen to Code B during WoL.