**** Original Starcraft 2 Thread ****

Seems like I've been placed in platinum(1v1) woo. been on gold for the past 4 seasons and always been facing high plat-mid dia mmr opponents. Oh well for all those talking about getting out of bronze/silver, if I can climb the leagues, anyone can!
Hey up...I'm new, I joined for the Race 07 thing, but I like Starcraft too. If you guys got a little community here, I'd love to take a look, maybe play a few games with ya, take part in the chat.

I like multi-player but I'm not so keen on ranked matches so haven't played for a while..

anyone throw me a line?
Seems like I've been placed in platinum(1v1) woo. been on gold for the past 4 seasons and always been facing high plat-mid dia mmr opponents. Oh well for all those talking about getting out of bronze/silver, if I can climb the leagues, anyone can!

Nice one pal! I think you were easy plat league anyway. You still going random in 1v1?
Arrrgh can't get out of plat :(

Was diamond for about 6 seasons, stopped playing, dropped to plat and now everyone's better than me t.t

Everytime I'm getting close (playing mostly diamonds) I have a big winning streak and drop right back down. My aim is to get back to diamond before HOTS then I can pwn some noobs and make masters ezpz. Or something.
Finally made it into Plat this season. First thing you notice is that you face much less cheese although 4 gate is still quite common.
Finally made it into Plat this season. First thing you notice is that you face much less cheese although 4 gate is still quite common.

You don't really see 4 gates when you get to higher plat, as it's so easy to spot and hold. Only really against maybe really greedy zerg, or a double gas 'in-your-face' 4 gate against terran with heavy sentries and zealots. It's rare though, most protoss want to FE and get teching ASAP.
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Finally made it into Plat this season. First thing you notice is that you face much less cheese although 4 gate is still quite common.

Only thing I placed vs every single protoss in plat was sentry/immortal/stalker 2 base all in. Literally 9/10.

If they are remotely good with forcefields seems they can quite easily beat someone at an equal level. Got promoted to diamond and ladder fear came running back :D
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