**** Original Starcraft 2 Thread ****

I quit all my placements to get into bronze to switch to zerg and then got promoted in two games :P love the changes to bronze league % lots of new players should get a bit more motivated now, rather than sit in bronze for a month then quit the game.

Is there an OCUK Starcraft group or anything?
I have no (starcraft) friends :P
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Good night so far, 5 games, 4 wins. PvZ every win, TvZ was my loss. I can play both Terran and Protoss but prefer Protoss. I admit, all 5 games were against my mate, but he is a good Zerg player and WoL we would have good matches and we were about 60-40 wins with me being the lesser...

I will say, the Tempest is AWESOME! Yes, it is costly (300M 200G) but well worth it, I use them in groups of 5 and harass round the back of the opponents base and take his supply line out whilst proxy-pylon near the front and warp in 10-15 Stalkers and game over...
Tempest for harass... erm...

Well...maybe not...I'll change what I said...I use them to start my assault. Send them round back and attack that way, and sent a good amount of stalkers/zealots to the front and sandwich, whilst constantly warping in more foot troops...I don't even use robots or other flyers...
Don't know whether to buy HotS or not yet. I don't think I'd play it often enough to get good at it plus I'm bored of Protoss and considering switching to Zerg. But then again maybe that'll make me play it more :p
Enjoying the campaign more than the WoL one. Maybe it's just because Zerg is more fun to play than Terran. Playing on hard and finding it a little easy so far..but brutal absolutely destroys me. Need to get better lol :p
Started playing the campaign at about 10pm last night, thinking I'll just get started.

Next thing I knew it was 2am.

Agree about the campaign seeming better than WoL, it's a little more interesting mix of missions and the story has more punch.

Anyway, how do we go about joining the ocuk group? :)
Finally the HotS disk arrived, went to installing it but the installer was stuck on 4.5% for a damn long while (over an hour is just plain silly). So I decided to cancel it and re-run it, but then it refused to run. I then uninstalled it from Control Panel to reinstall but it came up with a few errors. Tried the web installer this time but even then it refused to run. I then followed this guide and the installer finally behaved... now I can finally spend a long night playing the new campaign :D.

EDIT: And my friend just told me I didn't even need to place in the HotS disk to install since the current WoL install was patched already... All I had to do was activate the key! I feel like a right lemon now...
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