OP didn't fire a gun at someone. He fired through a door, where he believed an intruder was hiding. I concede that there's only a hair's breadth between the definitions, but they are important, nonetheless.
good to hear youre ok!!
i am struggling to grasp how firing a gun bears no intention to kill. isnt that what they do?
OP didn't fire a gun at someone. He fired through a door, where he believed an intruder was hiding. I concede that there's only a hair's breadth between the definitions, but they are important, nonetheless.
Because firing a gun doesn't automatically imply intent to kill.
Because firing a gun doesn't automatically imply intent to kill.
He knew his house. Just look at the toilet.
To say he fired four shots blindly through that door at someone and didn't intend to kill them, is preposterous. What was he trying to do instead?
So what was the intention in this case?
Because firing a gun doesn't automatically imply intent to kill.
Even if he didn't murder her, he still killed her, he needs to go to prison.
Even if he didn't murder her, he still killed her, he needs to go to prison.
Was it not the noise of the window that alerted him, its conceivable that he fired low in the bathroom (pardon the pun) I order to scare whoever was climbing in, its difficult to prove he actually intended to murder someone, hence the dismissal of the first two charges.
OP didn't fire a gun at someone. He fired through a door, where he believed an intruder was hiding. I concede that there's only a hair's breadth between the definitions, but they are important, nonetheless.
He said he fired because he thought he heard them coming out of the toilet. He fired 4 shots at the toilet door. What was his intention?
If he gets charged with anything less than Second-degree murder then it's been a massive miscarriage of justice!! And once again goes to show if you have expensive lawyers and/or you are a celeb. you can get away with murder O.J Simpson anyone?
He said he fired because he thought he heard them coming out of the toilet. He fired 4 shots at the toilet door. What was his intention?
The open window was outside of the toilet in the bathroom (in Oscar's view)
He has already got away with second degree murder. Only thing left is culpable homicide or acquittal.