Over-rated / terrible movies?

Yup, worst war movie I've ever seen. Tries to be very serious, but it's complete Hollywood nonsense. I'm surprised Hitler wasn't driving the Tiger himself.

Kelly's Heroes is superb, a good fun movie that doesn't take itself too seriously.
Yup, all they needed to have done was a film about the Battle of Itter, that is fantastical enough a story for Hollywood to make a film of surely?
Kelly's Heroes is superb, a good fun movie that doesn't take itself too seriously.

Yep, brilliant film.

Friends all tried to warn me
But I held my head up high
All the time they warned me
But I only passed them by
They all tried to tell me
But I guess I didn't care
I turned my back and
Left them standing there
All the burning bridges that have fallen after me
All the lonely feelings and the burning memories
Everyone I left behind each time I closed the door
Burning bridges lost forevermore...

Back in 'crap film' country - Star Trek Into Darkness.

Now, it's bad enough that they decided to take all the good bits from the best Trek film of them all in Wrath of Khan and throw them away. It was much worse even than that to then stitch the remains together with a crap script using crappy plotting and even crappier dialogue.

And then having most of the cast just...phone it in.

Even Benadryl Clustersnatch isn't particularly great in it, which staggers me because I've seen him work much harder to deliver even worse material. This all being said - good effort making a Trek film worse than Nemesis guys, way to hustle.
I watched Wrath of Khan the other day with a mate who's in his 20's. He'd seen Into Darkness and thought it was a bit poo (pretty looking poo, yet poo nonetheless), but he really enjoyed WoK and rightly so.

Me, I find Into Darkness a bit of a guilty pleasure. I hate it for all the same reasons, yet I can still somehow manage to turn my brain off and go along with the ride. Don't ask me how :p
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Me, I find Into Darkness a bit of a guilty pleasure. I hate it for all the same reasons, yet I can still somehow manage to turn my brain off and go along with the ride. Don't ask me how :p
With you there on the guilty pleasure, I can do that with the first two of the reboot quite easily, the 3rd however, utterly rubbish from start to finish, especially the 'play the shouty music' bit at the end.
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The Last Jedi - without a doubt. If there a example of how to cripple a franchise, a story this is it. Created by idiots that didnt give a **** about the characters, the story or continuity of its predecessors. All down to Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson in particular.
This. Rian Johnson should be locked in a set of stocks so I can throw rotten eggs & tomatoes at him for his insolence of making such a film. They could have put a scene where Jar Jar binks was sentenced to death for the insolence of appearing in EpI for too long & I would still hate that film, even though said scene would be the best scene in any SW film. :D ;):p
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A lot of the Marvel films.

Pretty much everything by Marvel, with a few exceptions.

Anything Marvel.

Black Panther.

Marvel films, absolute manure. I will never understand the obsession with them and how they manage to churn out this guff and people kneel at the end of the conveyor belt begging for more

Apart from guardians

Another +1 for Marvel, and I agree that Guardians and earlier Marvel films were ok. Disney are now trying to be the "woke" company that no one wanted it to be, so their shares have been performing badly over the past 1-2 years.

I'm a pretty big fan of Disney on how it used to be, but I think they've become too big. They need to let go of Marvel and Star Wars and go back to their fairy tale films. I don't mean out-dated stuff like Snow White. Think about how well they used to do with the likes of Tangled, Brave, Frozen which are still relatively recent.
The Last Jedi - without a doubt. If there a example of how to cripple a franchise, a story this is it. Created by idiots that didnt give a **** about the characters, the story or continuity of its predecessors. All down to Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson in particular.

Yup, I couldn't believe how horrendously terrible this was, and that's coming from whatever the last one was, and that was pretty awful.

I was really hoping they would give you some kind of redemption with this one and at least end it well, but no.

Infact all the modern star wars are pretty poor with the exception of Rogue One.
Yup, I couldn't believe how horrendously terrible this was, and that's coming from whatever the last one was, and that was pretty awful.

I was really hoping they would give you some kind of redemption with this one and at least end it well, but no.

Infact all the modern star wars are pretty poor with the exception of Rogue One.

Can you imagine all the SW fans waiting 30 years just to see that utter garbage. Let's find out what happened to Luke, Jedi etc etc. Nope he pops out to drink Alien Milk and keel over in his island without doing anything at all. How absurd is that. KK just wanted to kill all the characters off and replace with her version of modern characters. Emperor back as well and suddenly there a 1000s Death Stars mounted on ships??? If it was that easy to smash a ship at light speed why didn't they do that with DS. Leia no training at all became Super Jedi. Lmao utter trash. So stupid it's beyond comprehension. If you come up with name called Star base killer sums it up lol
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Can you imagine all the SW fans waiting 30 years just to see that utter garbage. Let's find out what happened to Luke, Jedi etc etc. Nope he pops out to drink Alien Milk and keel over in his island without doing anything at all. How absurd is that. KK just wanted to kill all the characters off and replace with her version of modern characters. Emperor back as well and suddenly there a 1000s Death Stars mounted on ships??? If it was that easy to smash a ship at light speed why didn't they do that with DS. Leia no training at all became Super Jedi. Lmao utter trash. So stupid it's beyond comprehension. If you come up with name called Star base killer sums it up lol

All star wars films made since the first three have been like a repetitively sadistic version of groundhog day. Yet people keep coming back for more.

Just how many times can people genuinely be surprised and disappointed?

It is this:

This upcoming Kong x Godzilla looks like the worst thing ever:

The line “Is that a mini Kong?” at the end of the trailer makes me wish I was dead.
Anchorman. Tried 4 times to watch it, can't get all the way through and I normally like Will Ferrel films. Marvel stuff is trash too although have only seen a couple, enjoyed Deadpool and the first Guardians. Iron man was ok as was the first Avengers film but they lost me after that. Zero interest in anything they've done in recent years.
Going controversial here but Shawshank Redemption. Its good, but I don't think it's THAT good and I've watched it a couple of times.
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