So the overall consensus seems to be:
  • OcUK need to pester management more and get a non-08 number setup. My personal recommendation would be the new 03 numbers which are picking up very well and I have seen lots of good feedback. We have started using them at our workplace and we take around 1.5k calls a day on average (we are a call centre) and lots of our customers comment on how they like the new 0333 number we have rather than the old 0844 (let alone an 0871!)..
  • In addition to the above - if you do get a non-08 number then the personal/consumers lines need to change as well! B2B should not have preferential treatment. It would just **** off the casual customers like myself.
  • Your 30 day credit accounts should expand a little further, maybe allow larger companies or companies with references etc from other suppliers. A lot of companies (including my work) always work of credit accounts - although they generally pay within <3-10 days.
  • A separate 'supplier' login on the website that displays the products and business as previously mentioned would be brilliant as well. If you did this I would definitely put in the good word for you guys with my work's IT dept as they easily spend £10K+ a month on IT equipment, servers, new rigs, hard drives, etc for our 4 offices in the UK.
Hi Sparx,

OcUK need to pester management more and get a non-08 number setup. My personal recommendation would be the new 03 numbers which are picking up very well and I have seen lots of good feedback. We have started using them at our workplace and we take around 1.5k calls a day on average (we are a call centre) and lots of our customers comment on how they like the new 0333 number we have rather than the old 0844 (let alone an 0871!)..

This is something that it’s been looked into at the moment, also has been already been answered where were up to with this.

In addition to the above - if you do get a non-08 number then the personal/consumers lines need to change as well! B2B should not have preferential treatment. It would just **** off the casual customers like myself.

Again this is something were aware of, and pretty much answered you’re our question to the reason why both lines are 0871.

Your 30 day credit accounts should expand a little further, maybe allow larger companies or companies with references etc from other suppliers. A lot of companies (including my work) always work of credit accounts - although they generally pay within <3-10 days.

Good news on this front, were not too far away from been able to offer this out. If this is something you’re interested. Me & Phil both have a short list that is building rapidly. Once this service goes live we will be working down this list to get all of these accounts been setup on our system.

A separate 'supplier' login on the website that displays the products and business as previously mentioned would be brilliant as well. If you did this I would definitely put in the good word for you guys with my work's IT dept as they easily spend £10K+ a month on IT equipment, servers, new rigs, hard drives, etc for our 4 offices in the UK.

This is one of the things in the pipeline at the moment. But you can't haggle with an online system ;)
Hey guys, give OC's some credit.. I have been using them for over 5 years now and have had some real good service and if there was an issue they were always resolved promptly and handled well. The website is good too and when I have posted any questions they have always come back too. MSN/Skype is the way I contact them these days :o)
We are indeed online :) i have accepted your request, You sent the request just after i went on my lunch break :P

this morning has been a tad busy!
As from today i will be dealing with all Private Sector inquiries and Ade will be dealing with the Public side of things (schools, uni's and colleges etc) :)
*waves bye bye to Phil* :p

If Ades on a day off or not in the office i assume we can still come to you though yes? :)
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