The end of the work day/putting my child to bed after bath and stuff cant come soon enough!
Itching to try this
My exact situation.moving my pc downstairs tnite as we now have the baby in a bed time routine of bath and bed around 7pm and then atm my pc is right next door to his room, cant risk waking him lol so we have agreed to have the pc set up downstairs for now though its a shame as its nicely set where it is
Mine is 15 months old and she is quite good once she is down and asleep - and as my PC is downstairs anyway its not usually an issue!
Hoping the misses is not expecting my time tonight either going to game game game!
I don't suppose anyone has a spare beta key for this?!?![]()
Sup everyone, question about the gameplay.
Is this more like TF2 or LoL in terms of team play? Before all the 'TWO DIFFERENT GAMES RETARD!!!" comments come in. I mean as in the playability.
So, I don't like LoL as it's 'too serious', the community is absolutely cack. And unless you know exactly what you're doing. You're treated like scum.
TF2, you jump on a server, pick a role, play and enjoy.
I'm really hoping Overwatch is like the latter. What are your thoughts? Is it full of 'must know' strategies or can you simply jump on a server and have a fun game?
This is kind of what i am hoping to find out tonight! I play for enjoyment and even find some enjoyment from MOBA's (one of my favorite games currently being HOTS).
I have played enough TF2 and MOBA's now to make some comparisons from a non-elitist gamers point of view.
So after my sessions tonight I will let you know! as this is what I am hoping the game is for me! a fun class driven FPS without the need for serious try hard attitude all the time.
This is kind of what i am hoping to find out tonight! I play for enjoyment and even find some enjoyment from MOBA's (one of my favorite games currently being HOTS).
I don't suppose anyone has a spare beta key for this?!?![]()
Check yo trust![]()
Firstly This is a amazing game you only have 1 Potential issue for the future & minor gripe.
The Potential issue:
I'm going to explain this as life of service, because its not a "issue" but will be.
Issue 1
Currently their are a many maps all of which are good. However
The amount of maps will be a problem in 2 months time. quite easily i would assume as your new IP you want it last many years.
i can describe 3 types of players
Esport Competitive - will play the same maps Constantly with minor bordem as they will "own"
The Dedicated players - (me)
After playing for 8 hours i can already for see Map fatigue. I've seen the same maps over 6+ times. not big issue but increase the lifetime of the product to 2 months old Many Players will become bored of the game due to the maps same as BF3/BF4
The casual Players
The same will happen to casual players after 5 months of playing the same maps over a over.
You have multiple solutions
1. Allow access to Custom Servers & allow anyone to host custom maps on their servers
- I think this is BAD idea. i suggest it as its best to see everything on the table
2. Restrict access to the Server Files, allowing Mod Submissions
- This is the best idea for yourself & the community.
- Allow access to MAp Mod Tool
- Allow Modders to submit the maps to you for verification & testing (or community vote)
- Add the extra maps to X servers & create Quick play Community + Orignal Maps)
3. Create Map DLCS
the Worst IDEA
- create DLC maps & charge the customers for your maps
- this sepreates the customer base & if you ever played BF4 this creates a very hard community to control (kicking non DLC players)
3. Create Free MAP DLCS
- A silly idea on your part i believe for you & the community
- Agree to Mutiple maps every 2 months (5 per 2 months) as a example
- keeping the community interested
- subside this the cost of the maps with paid Skins.
Other Interesting Ideas to Remove Fatigue for Long term future development
Create alternative Ultimate, doing the same thing as the original but with a twist.
you can choose which in Hero select
Instead of the death ball that detonates, you can press fire & it spits out traps and mine each side. Max of X times
Instead of multiple rockets one big Nuke Rocket
Instead of the Machine gun knocking people back, it does bleed damage over time due to scrap in their body/wounds
The MInor Gripe
The Play of the game is NOT very good at all. it just feels like its the Best Kill Montage.
For example Windowmaker was just scoping killing while the rest of the team was actaully doing the objective. For example in this same game i was a Quad enemy Charge from reins that pushed them so far back we won the game
Just order from game then when you get the beta key email just cancel the order. I think it costs like 10p.
Sup everyone, question about the gameplay.
Is this more like TF2 or LoL in terms of team play? Before all the 'TWO DIFFERENT GAMES RETARD!!!" comments come in. I mean as in the playability.
So, I don't like LoL as it's 'too serious', the community is absolutely cack. And unless you know exactly what you're doing. You're treated like scum.
TF2, you jump on a server, pick a role, play and enjoy.
I'm really hoping Overwatch is like the latter. What are your thoughts? Is it full of 'must know' strategies or can you simply jump on a server and have a fun game?
Kinda worried they've stopped that and I'll get locked into the sale.