
Games declining my card :confused:.

Only bought another thing an hour ago so not sure what's going on.

Edit: Ordered and cancelled.
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just done it myself, cost me a whole 10p ;)

, Your request to cancel selected items has been successful (consignment null). The other item(s) in your order remain unchanged.

If you used Reward Points to pay for your order, these will be credited back to your account in the next few days.
Any money debited from your payment card will be refunded.
Payments via gift card or eVoucher will be refunded via eVoucher which you can use for future online purchases.

Waiting for mine from game currently (ordered this morning), had my order confirmation but no code email yet, their customer support said it can take 24 hours for the code email to come through...
So, ordered, sat in the queue function. So not processed my order just yet. Which is why I can't cancel I assume?

So annoying...

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Waiting for mine from game currently (ordered this morning), had my order confirmation but no code email yet, their customer support said it can take 24 hours for the code email to come through...

Does anyone have a spare friend key in the mean time so i can play tonight and ill put mine up for someone else when it comes through?
If anyone's got a spare key I'd be happy to take it.

Playing a lot of tf2 recently so hopefully it's like that, looks pretty good with the 4k screenie further up
Hero Break down, these are not perfect representations but wanted to give people an idea oh how much each hero feel like tf2 countparts in kit

diference here is EVERY champ has a way to win the game unlike TF2.

Genji 30% Spy Kit
Platys like a Offesene spy that does not use cloak. his ult Kills everything..

McRee 20% spy kit
Plays like a Offense spy using Pistol And flashbangs

Phrah 98% Solider from TF2
almost the exact kit if not all.

Soilder 76 100%
BF4 Assault Exactly

Tracer Scout 98%
Scout from TF2 but with a heal & teleports

Bastion 20% Engineer
A walking Engineer sentry pretty much

Hanzo 95%
Huntsman from TF2 but with AOE to.

Junkrat 98%
Demo from Tf2

Mei - Quite unquie
Freezes Enemies & puts up walls!

Torbjon - 98% Engineer
Does not have teleport, gives out armour instead of dispenser

Orignal Sniper from TF2

DVA Think Titanfall
Mech + Pilot

Reinhardt 70% Demo charge setup from Tf2 but with huge sheild
Very Fun

Roadhog 98% heavy
Plays like Heavy but with Scorpon pull

Winston 50% medic/heavy
mix between heavy & Medic on TF2 (Tanky Medic)
Tons of dmg

Zarya 50% medic/heavy
mix between heavy & Medic on TF2 (Tanky Medic)
Stops all CC (op)

Lucian - 50% Scout with Speed boosts & heals

Mercy 98% Medic
with Revive whgole team!

Symmetra - 80% Enginner from TF2
Teleport + Mini Sentries

ZenYATTA - unquie
Offense Medic with Heal Buffs & debuffs to enemy
44.99? Wheres that from? Origins was about 35 physical on Game

Directly through battlenet. Figured if it's 10p to cancel, doesn't matter where I ordered from. I now assume they will only take payment on release. Will talk to web chat now.
Hmm just jumped on for a go. Seems pretty slow unless you basically take tracer. Everything else feels slow to play, like running about as a heavy in tf2 :|
Good fun - not sure it has much longevity mind you. It's kind of run and gun, quick games which is good, but as for a game that you will still be playing in 6 months.....not sure.

I'll be on later - add me - booyaka76#1385
Is this a TF2 beater? I still go to that one for this type of game and they obviously looks to be in direct competition.
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