
Seems there is enough of us here to do a 6 stack as long as ranks are within limit.

Who's game?

I'm always up for teaming up and getting some pointers, be happy to get back into gold at the moment. myself and Andy have had some decent games recently.
Add me if you want.


would love to - booyaka76#1385

currently dropping fast from 3000 to around 2500 at the moment.
Yeah, although last night didn't go well...

I think I need to practise tank more. I think I'm a 1700 tank, but a 2400 Soldier, but I feel bad jumping on soldier all the time and support has filled quite quick recently when playing.
Not a good weekend for me. Working late tonight, tomorrow night and Monday night :( busy most of Sunday too.

Although our discord (chat) channel is gone, I see there's still a voice chat channel, we should sit in there more (like I see Kaptainmarc is now in fact).
Does seem a bit high. I don't want to sound tight as I know its for a really good cause, but I think if they'd gone for about a fiver they could have sold a hell of a lot and made more money.

Well I guess I was wrong, it says they've almost raised 10 million dollars.
sad sad times - down to 2450 now from last season high of 3200......just seem to constantly get completely trash DPS players - hanzo insta lock and then another dps (widow etc) - yet they kill nothing and have like 40% win rates with dps characters
I hate Widow/Hanzo combos, especially on attack on 2cp maps, because they never contest the point so it is down to 4 of you, of which 1 (or 2) is a healer. Two snipers rarely works!
sad sad times - down to 2450 now from last season high of 3200......just seem to constantly get completely trash DPS players - hanzo insta lock and then another dps (widow etc) - yet they kill nothing and have like 40% win rates with dps characters

Sounds like you just need to git gud m8

Edit: In case it's not obvious, that was just a joke - I'm in the same boat, game is broken
So brigitte just got 2 more nerfs just loading the update now hopefully I won't drop straight back to plat.
I climbed all the way to 3350 with her this season.
lol good going, although she was broken beyond belief (and might still be)

I used to be consistently just below diamond but the last season or two I can barely stay above silver... I don't really care that much apart from how poor quality the matches are at the lower ranks
lol good going, although she was broken beyond belief (and might still be)

I used to be consistently just below diamond but the last season or two I can barely stay above silver... I don't really care that much apart from how poor quality the matches are at the lower ranks

yeah - I feel your pain .......Just played some games with @AndyCr15 and @Hattorihanzo from here We played 4 i think and had a shockingly bad widow in one game (16 hour total play time and 34% win rate)

Last game was Kings Row - lost again.....

Played as Moira:
  • Elims 44 (gold)
  • Obj Kills 22 (gold)
  • Healing 19.5k (gold)
  • Damage 16k (gold)
I really don't know what else I can do with this game - it's just broken in terms of match making - Almost every game is now a complete walk over on one side or the other. There's very little in between at the moment.
Feel for you booy, those last few games where horrid.
Your obviously out playing your rank but getting stuck with poor team mates, me being one ;)
but that widow was something else, even getting called out by the other team!

though I did just finish my comp death matches and ranked 2600 but cant get out of silver in normal comp.

Getting 6 people in the team chat is pretty non existent as well which makes things harder.
sad sad times - down to 2450 now from last season high of 3200......just seem to constantly get completely trash DPS players - hanzo insta lock and then another dps (widow etc) - yet they kill nothing and have like 40% win rates with dps characters

This is why you have to laugh at the system they use as it's as much about time sinking and luck as it is skill at the mid ranks. That kind of drop just shouldn't happen. 200-400 points sure, but over 700 and people would assume you've adopted a 360 controller this season. It's so heavily team based with character combos and ult timing/stacking often there is simply nothing you can do unless you're massively over skilled in the bracket, and even then it can go wrong. I'm surprised it's still popular given you have no option but to rely on randoms.
lol good going, although she was broken beyond belief (and might still be)

I used to be consistently just below diamond but the last season or two I can barely stay above silver... I don't really care that much apart from how poor quality the matches are at the lower ranks

I don't care much either about my rank if I drop I just keep playing. One thing I enjoy about the lower ranks is using different characters, when my rank gets higher I need to stick to characters I can play well. The matches do seem more fun/intence/balanced in diamond hopefully I can stay here.

Ana seems really good with the new buffs.

Brigitte still seems really good you can hardly notice the nerfs.
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