
Unless it's changed recently, the win/loss of placements doesn't matter, it's how you perform relative to others. It's the only part of the season where you can do well even if you loose games. If you know you're going to loose and can the game doing poorly yourself, you will tank sr. Likewise, if you constantly carry and gold everything but still loose, you will likely gain sr unlike after placements where no matter what it's going to loose you sr. If you constantly play well, you will gain sr even with loosing as the gain of sr will outweigh the loss, just slowly. Pretty certain it's why new accounts can place so highly.

The system is broke as placement games judge skill level on a more individual basis than the season itself. They can't use this system for the season as it rewards individual play as opposed to team play and they can't use the season system for placement as you'd end up with people in the completely wrong brackets.

I personally couldn't hack having to be so reliant on others in random groups and getting punished for leavers you have absolutely zero control over. Kind of ruins that last game previously you spent ages grinding out for a tough win.

Odd, because I got 4 golds as Mei last season in a match where we got steam rolled, got potg, something like 18 elims, card for enemies frozen and generally did most of the work with the payload. Yet still didn't get any SR (of note)... I'm playing on the US servers now though (and last season). So maybe it's different here than there?

I just wish there was a way to full reset your comp standing, even just once every year so you can say "Nope, had some bad runs, will full reset and start again"
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Odd, because I got 4 golds as Mei last season in a match where we got steam rolled, got potg, something like 18 elims, card for enemies frozen and generally did most of the work with the payload. Yet still didn't get any SR (of note)... I'm playing on the US servers now though (and last season). So maybe it's different here than there?

If you lost the game ("we got steam rolled") then you should have lost SR, not gained. Also, gold medals in a game like that does not necessarily mean you played well... I been on the end of a one-sided beating where I've got gold elims with only 1 or 2, so clearly not a good performance!
just dropped from 3100 to 2900, everyone thinks there hanzo mains since this update and every comp wants to play 4 dps

100% - Hanzo insta locks every game now.

We got completely trashed last night by a smurf - he played Doomfist and literally destroy any/all changes/team comps we tried.
Feel really helpless against a very good Doomfist. I, on the other hand, am absolute trash with Doomfist!
Odd, because I got 4 golds as Mei last season in a match where we got steam rolled, got potg, something like 18 elims, card for enemies frozen and generally did most of the work with the payload. Yet still didn't get any SR (of note)... I'm playing on the US servers now though (and last season). So maybe it's different here than there?

I just wish there was a way to full reset your comp standing, even just once every year so you can say "Nope, had some bad runs, will full reset and start again"

You're talking about in season right not placement? In season you will always loose sr for the loss just minimise the loss of sr from playing well.
It's a shame then. As the matchmaking is horrible. I don't know enough people to play as a team consistently and when I do, we go up against some proper playing teams and lose anyway. It's a real shame.
Doomfist and Bridgette stuns just lock you up seen xqc play and get stunned from full hp rein to 0 and could do nothing
Zarya is really good against brigitte she can just bubble who ever gets near the enemy brigitte.

Zarya,hanzo,rein,brigitte seem really strong this season.
Just lost 2 5v6 games in a row (I was on the team of 6)... both because the 5-man team had a briggitte who was just unkillable and knew how to play her...

Yep... that seems balanced
need a junk, or phara is they arent playing hitscans

Yeah was reading up online about it last night... before I decided to focus on being a tank main I used to play a lot of Pharah so I think I may start playing her a bit more often while this meta is dominating - then fall back to junk (who I can also play reasonably) if they go hitscan...

I stopped trying to play dps because of how often everyone on the team wants to be dps... and I think (perhaps wrongly) that I have fairly good game sense and awareness for playing the tanks in a way that contributes most to the team (but of course when I get stuck on a team with one guy who won't switch off of genji and another who won't switch off of doomfist against their briggite it's not a huge amount of fun!)
sometimes you need a carry hero. but obv u need to be good at the hero, junk/zarya/doom/bridg/hanzo, all meta carry heros this season get good at any of them and you can carry a team even if one guy is stupid.
sometimes you need a carry hero. but obv u need to be good at the hero, junk/zarya/doom/bridg/hanzo, all meta carry heros this season get good at any of them and you can carry a team even if one guy is stupid.

Yeah maybe... I feel like I do well but maybe I'm just not good enough

I just wish there was a way to full reset your comp standing, even just once every year so you can say "Nope, had some bad runs, will full reset and start again"

So do I... but so long as the communities method for getting around it is to just buy another account I can't see them changing the system to actually work in a sensible way like this...

What I'd love to see is an experiment - take an account in bronze or silver that has been playing since launch, maybe like lvl 800ish... has played lots of comp and has consistently been at that bronze/silver level... Could a GM level player on that account get it to GM? I think they would be able to eventually but the amount of games that it would take would be extreme
I always used to play healer or the second tank just to make the numbers right and then end up with awful DPS.

few games now I have refused to play healer and managed to carry some games with junk even with a pure trash team. wish I was good with Hanzo because he seems quite OP at the moment.

need to learn brigg in some games she just seems unkillable
I always used to play healer or the second tank just to make the numbers right and then end up with awful DPS.

few games now I have refused to play healer and managed to carry some games with junk even with a pure trash team. wish I was good with Hanzo because he seems quite OP at the moment.

need to learn brigg in some games she just seems unkillable

yeah i always try and ask someone to play zarya when i junk, just ask them to spam bubble you and focus brigg
Seems there is enough of us here to do a 6 stack as long as ranks are within limit.

Who's game?

I'm always up for teaming up and getting some pointers, be happy to get back into gold at the moment. myself and Andy have had some decent games recently.
Add me if you want.

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