
Im looking forward to new Torb coming back to comp.

Im not sure if I will play him much though as my aim is not really good enough to play dps. I will see. Maybe I will grab my sons account for some ranked Torb.

I played my first match in a couple of weeks, I have been busy out and about. First thing I see when I get back was a welcome message saying that they took points off me for not playing this week. Not really a good start.

That'll teach ya for playing at a high level... that sort of thing doesn't happen in gold! :p
That'll teach ya for playing at a high level... that sort of thing doesn't happen in gold! :p
First time in ever happened to me. It seems unfair lol.

it's only been the last couple of season I been high enough and I pretty much played every day.

Who says hard work pays off. go to work for a week and they start taking away my points.
Wondering what you guys think about Soldier right now... general view of streamers is that the recent buff has made him very viable... then I watched the Your Overwatch commentary on Soldier and they have a very different opinion. I'm savvy enough to not be swayed by one YouTube channel opinion; however, they perfectly summed up the plat level game I played last night. I get a respectable amount of elims (silver/gold medal) when playing in gold rank, and typically have gold medal damage, but I played in plat yesterday due to higher ranked team mates, and my game was mostly flanking to get good damage but not many elims because of burst healing, pouring damage into shields, and mainly dying to Hanzo one shots, and didn't even get bronze medal for elims (we did win the match 4-3 on Kings Row)... which matches the Your Overwatch summary of Soldier.

Am I simply not good enough at DPS for platinum (which I suspect anyway, old man reflexes) or is Soldier not viable above gold rank unless you have insane accuracy? Good job I've been enjoying Rein and Dva lately, and Moira is always solid for me.

@AndyCr15 what do you think as a Soldier main?

I had about 10 matches last night and he was in a lot of the matches.

I asked about him and I got told he is pretty decent pick now.

One thing stood out for me was people talking about nana visor, which is something that I hadn't heard mentioned in a long time.

They seem to have done a decent job of balancing him back into the game. He wasn't really picked in diamond before the patch.

Another thing I noticed last night was the improvement to the sound effects, like with junk rat when I threw c4 on the floor to get back to point faster I could clearly here it loudly exploding out of my rear speakers.
One thing stood out for me was people talking about nana visor, which is something that I hadn't heard mentioned in a long time.

Soldier goes mental when Ana nanos him... it basically turns him into a Bastion, so his visor ult can seriously clean up providing shields are down. Also sounds awesome when his fire rate ramps up with nano.

I'll keep with him a bit longer, but also keep working on some of my other heroes until I feel happy enough to play them in comp... that said, maybe I need to play them in comp to improve them, because quick play lacks structure so badly that tactics can be very different... for example, I playing Rein a lot in qp right now, but I think its a lost cause without a healer supporting you, and qp is often 5 dps plus whatever I choose.
Solider is decent but you need to make up for his lack of burst damage by putting out a lot of consistent damage. If you aren't gold damage then you should reevaluate how you play as Solider, he is by far the easiest character to get gold damage on.
Personally I find Junkrat a lot easier to get Gold damage with. I always used to get gold with Soldier, but not as often these days, for sure. I've not looked into the changes for soldier yet, I'm playing a bit of Rein at the moment for something different.
Solider is decent but you need to make up for his lack of burst damage by putting out a lot of consistent damage. If you aren't gold damage then you should reevaluate how you play as Solider, he is by far the easiest character to get gold damage on.

I generally get gold damage, but not always for elims... I got gold in my gold rank comp earlier in the day (with Andy), but not the plat rank game. I am reevaluating how I play Soldier, hence asking for opinions here. In that plat match, the other team had Rein and Orisa, so I split my tactics between flanking to get an angle and focus on backline, or pour damage into the shields... is there value in trying to break shields with Soldier, or am I wasting my time? Junk and Pharah may be better picks against double shield, but I'm not so good with those heroes (talking this through, I realise I need to work on these two heroes). On reflection, I could have gone Reaper maybe?
Shields, especially double shields are usually a good response to the hitscan heroes, so I think that's a good signal to drop soldier for either a shield-buster (as you say like Junk or Pharah or Bastion) or a more mobile flanker and/or specialist who can disrupt the shields or ignore them completely (genji, tracer, doomfist, sombra)... Reaper is good at killing the tanks if you can get to them, but it's more situational and depends what they are running to compliment the double-shields, Mei falls into the same category - a well placed wall that cuts the shields off from the supporting heroes can work wonders, but again it depends who else they have...
Managed to get Legendary done on Junkenstiens revenge.

Nice... I completed expert easily the first time, but not since, which shows how much of a difference a good team makes. Not tried Legendary yet. Which heroes did you use? Torb is a must, Soldier and Hanzo both quite good. I think Zen is probably a good choice, and many like Mcree. I see Brig selected a lot, and she is good for healing, but not sure that she does enough damage. I've been on several teams with Genji, but he just doesn't get enough kills.
Nice... I completed expert easily the first time, but not since, which shows how much of a difference a good team makes. Not tried Legendary yet. Which heroes did you use? Torb is a must, Soldier and Hanzo both quite good. I think Zen is probably a good choice, and many like Mcree. I see Brig selected a lot, and she is good for healing, but not sure that she does enough damage. I've been on several teams with Genji, but he just doesn't get enough kills.

I was Brig. I think we had Torb, Hanzo and Ana.
I'm pretty stuck in this. This is the first season I've ever played comp (I'm pretty new to the game even though I've had it a while). I'm maining Moira and although I'm obviously not amazing I feel I'm doing okay for the bracket I'm in (silver), I never have any complaints but I'm slowly whittling my SR (started at 1900, now 1500). The first -200 I still didn't really have any idea what I was doing, I hadn't settled on a main or anything so lets say 1700. I'm currently sitting on a 46% win rate and not really sure how to progress (I've also had a couple of unlucky disconnects).

Not really sure there's any advise that can be given, I'm still enjoying it even with the losses so it doesn't really matter I guess. :)
I'm pretty stuck in this. This is the first season I've ever played comp (I'm pretty new to the game even though I've had it a while). I'm maining Moira and although I'm obviously not amazing I feel I'm doing okay for the bracket I'm in (silver), I never have any complaints but I'm slowly whittling my SR (started at 1900, now 1500). The first -200 I still didn't really have any idea what I was doing, I hadn't settled on a main or anything so lets say 1700. I'm currently sitting on a 46% win rate and not really sure how to progress (I've also had a couple of unlucky disconnects).

Not really sure there's any advise that can be given, I'm still enjoying it even with the losses so it doesn't really matter I guess. :)

I have just managed to finally crawl out of Silver myself this season back into gold .

Climbing out of silver as a solo player is ******* hard. Let along as a support, so i feel your pain as I also play support in comp mainly. But there are a few core things that really helped me:

- Use voice coms all the time!
- Call out everything you see - positions, hero comps, health status on enemy, ULT progress etc.
- Don't trickle feed, if your team are doing this tell them to stop and request regrouping - this is the main thing that wins Games at this level.
- Dont slide, if you have a bad game, come off take a break play some QP!
- Practice and learn all heroes, Once you know what all heroes can do you can play effectively against them
- Learnt to track ULTS on the other team, and combo ULTS on yours.
- LFG (in my experience) is a horrible time. It queues you as a 5 stack and your likely to go up agianst another 5 stack with better team comp and coordination.

Actually there are so many more things to suggest, but actually practice is your best friend. It will take time.

playing a Moira (one of my mains for comp) one thing that really helped me is to remember (Read force) to play her as a healer first, and anything else as an afterthought/ last resort. Yes shes good at killing people in certain situations, but your healing orb and spray are your first choice ALWAYS.

It sounds simple, but that one shift in how I played her made a huge difference to me.
Thanks for the tips.

I definitely need to get used to using voice coms. It's always on but no one ever uses it so I don't say anything.

I know the basics of about 70-80% of the other heroes but could do with learning the rest.

I play too aggressively as Moira especially when we're losing, I normally do it for medals to limit the SR loss when I know there's no hope. Haha.

But yea, just going to keep practicing and hope something clicks. May go to DPS (not too bad with Reaper and Soldier) if I keep dropping.
Yes, Moira's healing orb does more work than the damage orb. Also, I find her ult is better for healing than damage. She is a healer first and foremost.

For me, damage orb is used to charge your own ult and to finish off nearly dead opponents that are escaping (e.g. Genji or Pharah). Can be lethal if thrown at someone is a small room. If your ult is fully charged, don't throw the damage orb out unless you are confident of getting a kill, because you will feed ult charge to the opposition healers and get zero charge yourself (because you are full).

Don't get caught over-extending when Fade is on cool down. I recommend only using Fade to engage if you are confident off getting the kill... it can be used nicely in a Tracer fashion to Fade from in front to behind someone in a one-on-one battle... even better, release your healing orb while attacking someone, then Fade behind them and you will catch up with your healing orb and get more healing. In Silver, this tactic should win most 1v1 battles against another 200hp hero.

However, there are better Moira players in this thread that may say otherwise or can offer more advice.

Regarding voice comms, even one voice can make a difference pulling the team together.
Regarding voice comms, even one voice can make a difference pulling the team together.

This, and this again.

Shot call if no one else is, you might not get it right all of the time, but its better than having no plan of action or anyone making any calls at all.

Remember: Its a team based, objective focused game. Communication is a requirement - at least if you want to do well and improve.

Dont worry about medals - your objective as a healer is to keep people alive, the only medal you want gold is healing output. Everything else is secondary.

As a healer dont be afraid to call the shots, if your team are all split, as a Moira it makes your job almost impossible to keep them all alive. Tell your team this, Ask to group up.

I say/remind (almost every match if I pick Moira) "Please dont split up too much team and expect constant heals, I wont dive to heal/save you if you do something stupid." Yes it seems a bit mean, but its fair, and works a lot for me.
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