
If only my support placements went as well as the tank ones....

That'll teach me to solo queue again.

2 games with leavers, and one game the top DPS elims gold medal was 1..... Not even joking.
Some good tips in here for how to beat double shield:


Sym. Really powerful. Bastion at a push. Doomfist can one shot 80% of the heroes through shields.
Tanks, Rein on chokes, Dive tanks on maps with lots of high ground.
Mercy best healer for heals as she can heal through shields reliably.

Take away is just go around or through shields. Get in their faces. low mobility and Sigma is really weak against beam weapons. control high ground and Orisa and Sigma are sitting ducks.
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Sigma + Orisa definitely meta right now... so much shielding AND firepower. As said earlier, playing aggressive with lots of "press w" can be very successful with this combo, at least at the lower ranks.

My placements have also been pretty poor :( One match was against a team that included 3 that had clearly deranked from diamond (one on Dva, other 2 were DPS)... needless to say, our silver/gold team got seriously rekt.
DPS - 2341
Support - 2777
Tank - 2220

after placements

Ya tank took a hit then.

I think the best with tanks in this new format is search in as duo tanks and do rein/zarya or sigma/orisa or Monkey/dva.

I think me and you went on 5 or 6 win streak other day as rein/zarya.
I'm looking for some games this season as my usual duo partner has packed in OW for the foreseeable

Sosig#21508 <-- jack of all trades, master of none. mid plat account
DrCrabHands#2596 <--- try hard tank (some support) high plat with a dips into diamond.

If anyone is up for some games, some teamwork and maybe a few wins add me.
I will add ya tomorrow crab.

Im at around 2600 on tank and Healer. I have been higher in the past as healer (3800) but stopped playing for a bit and kind of relearning it again.

I have been getting some tank lessons off a friend of mine who plays at the high ranks. I think the main thing wrong with my tank game is not looking round enough and losing track of what team is doing behind me.

Starting to get back into it again and playing a few hours everyday.

If you want a tank partner we could do some rein/zarya or sigma /orisa or monkey dva. I can do the Rein or monkey or sigma.

If wanna go in as healer pairing I play Lucio,brig,mercy so would probably need you to do ana / MOIRA (edit).

We could go as different roles but I seem to have better games pairing up on same roll. Easier to work together.

I think my tag is Ginnnny#2449 but I need to check the number.
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Finished my placements yesterday and got 2240ish on tank and support and 1950ish on DPS. Interestingly though, I played 4 or 5 games as DPS and all but one, we totally smashed the opposition and I had good games as Junkrat. Back up over 2k with DPS at least.

Is everyone on Discord? I wonder if we hang out in #other-games on the OCUK discord it might be easier for us to meet up like we did the other night?
Sounds good @imginy. I can play most tanks but I'm best at Rein, Dva, Zarya, Orisa, Monkey and a bit of Hog.

I'm also a decent Ana player and Moira too.

Looks like we have all the combos covered!

I'm usually on my Sosig account.
I always have my ult account (gunnmaster) that I don't care about at all, if anyone wants some games just pm my main (Ginnnny#2449) on battlenet anytime im online.
I always have my ult account (gunnmaster) that I don't care about at all, if anyone wants some games just pm my main (Ginnnny#2449) on battlenet anytime im online.

Games last night were alright actually with Imginy on his alt account

Highlight for me was getting flamed by the Plat DPS players for "not healing at all".

End of the game comes, lots of trash talk on comms; "ho gets the card for healing 41% of entire damage as apparently a "DPS Moira"......

They didn't say much after that.
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