
Yep sym wrecks at the moment and her teleporter is much more useful now for quickly getting back to point.

Doom fist and wrecking Ball seem good picks at the moment.
Always liked Doom fist but he's a very high skill ceiling character and can cause a lot of upset, I'm going to try and improve with him next season.
Managed to climb last night from 2450 to 2700 on support.....Switch over the playing moira on attack mainly and mercy on defence. Some much better teams last night that switched things up and changed things around rather than just sticking with the same starting comp no matter what happens.
A group of my mates are at i65 and played in the group stages for the IGF Masters Overwatch comp yesterday... Would have loved to have been there but I've got no cash and am packing for a holiday soon...

We are just a group of mates playing for a laugh so none of us thought they'd have a serious chance anyway - a couple of them are ~4000SR but the rest vary from mid plat to low gold, and although we play together quite a bit we're far from a well practiced team...

I think there were 5 group stage games they played... 3/5 of those the other teams were highly co-ordinated teams who seem like they are working towards being in Contenders or whatever with multiple top 500 players and several "known" semi-pro players... the other 2 games weren't so bad in terms of skill levels but the other teams were much better organised...

But the highlight is that they entered under our Discord server's name (Sausage House) and for some bizarre reason the main igfmasters stream decided to commentate one of the terrible top500 stomp matches. Be warned, it's not a pretty game! I find the commentator's obsession with our team name amusing though!

I tried doing my dps placements but life is too short . 15 min wait guy leaves 5 seconds into game then 10 min wait until next game. I only managed 2 of my 5 dps placements.

Tank search time is like 3 seconds.

Me and booyaka doing a nice duo with rein zarya. Something like 6 win streak.

I was hoping to rank higher this beta season but in the end happy to finish with both tank and healer in plat.

Im sat at 2550/2500, should be a nice place to start the new season from. I am all warmed up on sigma put 20 hours into him and now fully understand when to use him and when not to. Same with new brig I feel like now i understand when and when not to use her.

Looking forward to this new season hoping to push tank into diamond rotating between sigma/rein/monkey and healer hoping to get diamond as well switching between brig and lucio.

Fingers crossed it doesn't screw me on placements again.
I tried doing my dps placements but life is too short . 15 min wait guy leaves 5 seconds into game then 10 min wait until next game. I only managed 2 of my 5 dps placements.

Tank search time is like 3 seconds.

Me and booyaka doing a nice duo with rein zarya. Something like 6 win streak.

I was hoping to rank higher this beta season but in the end happy to finish with both tank and healer in plat.

Im sat at 2550/2500, should be a nice place to start the new season from. I am all warmed up on sigma put 20 hours into him and now fully understand when to use him and when not to. Same with new brig I feel like now i understand when and when not to use her.

Looking forward to this new season hoping to push tank into diamond rotating between sigma/rein/monkey and healer hoping to get diamond as well switching between brig and lucio.

Fingers crossed it doesn't screw me on placements again.

Would you be kind enough to share your thoughts on Sigma?

Watching some of the main OW channels on YT, Winston appears to be getting some love on attack to deal with the dual shield meta of Rein/Orisa with Sigma.

Also watched the Dragons vs Spitfire match over the weekend... nail biter! Looks like Doom is a must pick at that level, and PharMercy getting a lot of love from both teams.
Would you be kind enough to share your thoughts on Sigma?

Watching some of the main OW channels on YT, Winston appears to be getting some love on attack to deal with the dual shield meta of Rein/Orisa with Sigma.

Also watched the Dragons vs Spitfire match over the weekend... nail biter! Looks like Doom is a must pick at that level, and PharMercy getting a lot of love from both teams.

I think the main thing I have learned with sigma is don't play him like an Orisa and don't expect your team mates to play him like an Orisa. He is not a tank where your team can line up behind the shield and just spam the other team. His shield dies in few seconds and once broken it is hard to get back again.

On defense I think he is best paired with another shield (rein/orisa).

On attack I think he is best paired some sort of dive and just push hard and fast.

I think his shield is best used aggressively to shut enemy players out the game, Example stick it in front of their ana so she can't heal, or stick it front of their widow/phara so they can't shoot. Or used aggressively to back up your dps, like if reaper goes in deep you chuck him the shield on point so he has something to work with.

Or defensively give your widow/mcree their own personal shield up high so they are free just to go wild without fear of getting shot back.

1500 health shield just isn't enough to stick down in front of 6 enemy team, it just instantly dies.
@imginy Thanks! I noticed when watching OWL, the pros are moving his shield around a lot, seemingly to block/intercept specific threats rather than general shielding... it is amazing how many mechanical actions the pro players do in a space of time! I was really focusing on their gameplay, and simply the speed they spin the view to scan for threats was a blur to me.
Think I'm just going to play Sym for my DPS placements. With the amount of shields around you can just farm your beam to level 3 and melt the entire team.

Sym and Zarya are mega overpowered right now.

Needs balancing.

If I could track well I would abuse them to rank up before they balance it.
my support ones are going the same way bud. DPS are ******* trash and so are tanks today it seems.

Just been playing Tank for a couple of games, Support have been awful, just had a Moira running around by herself, and the DPS were trash as well, even though I was getting them through a choke they weren't picking anyone off, just had a Genji trying to range people. Not sure if this has actually made the game better or not.
for me I think part of the issue might be with people rushing all placements for comp points, so you end up with some quite bad "off role" players who mechanically might be placed similar rank to your main role, but game sense is well off etc.

But who knows.
A lot of it probably is just people who don't know how to play roles playing them now, ranks should sort themselves out after a while though

Up to 4 losses now, more even matches, but someone rage quit the last game!
My tank placements went well with Musty, me on sigma him on Orisa.

That seems meta right now.

Won 4 lost 1.

I got plat for both tank (2550) and healer (2600) so I'm pretty happy. I was very worried the placements was going to take 100's of sr off me.

I am enjoying the game more with role que. I do feel that being locked into tank that I am becoming a better tank.
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