
Good luck to anyone trying to emulate ML7!!! That dude is amazing!

he does make it sound and look so simple.....He did a Moira guide recently which is my main, and I consider myself decent with her. However some of the stuff he talked about made me think about my play and how I can improve it.

However for now Apex has come back to life for me and OW is not happening.
he does make it sound and look so simple.....He did a Moira guide recently which is my main, and I consider myself decent with her. However some of the stuff he talked about made me think about my play and how I can improve it.

However for now Apex has come back to life for me and OW is not happening.

I've been playing a lot of Moira lately, so I'll check that out... thanks for sharing!

ML7's Ana play is on a whole other level though... I guess he takes more risks than acceptable compared to the OWL players, but some of his trick shot nades are mental.
The last couple of days I've started playing Zarya and I'm really enjoying it. She's a very tactical character and I realise she can be heavily helped by what characters everyone else picks. I had a game with a Genji and Rein, I was getting loads of charge from bubbling those two and I had gold elims, damage and kills. This happens more than I thought it would actually. Is there a similar thing to Moira where you're expected to get these medals as Zarya? If I bubble someone and they get an elim, do I get it too or something?

There's an added benefit you don't have to queue long for comp!
The last couple of days I've started playing Zarya and I'm really enjoying it. She's a very tactical character and I realise she can be heavily helped by what characters everyone else picks. I had a game with a Genji and Rein, I was getting loads of charge from bubbling those two and I had gold elims, damage and kills. This happens more than I thought it would actually. Is there a similar thing to Moira where you're expected to get these medals as Zarya? If I bubble someone and they get an elim, do I get it too or something?

There's an added benefit you don't have to queue long for comp!

Zarya is a monster in terms of dps if you can keep your charge high, not uncommon at all to get good medals as her. She doesn't get credit for bubbled character kills I don't think but she does easily rack up elims via chip damage from the beam (even when not high charge) just like Moira does. Main thing to always work on with her is not mis-using the bubbles; sometimes it's tempting to throw one on someone or yourself just because it's off cooldown but every now and then you'll do that, get no charge and then come upon a perfect moment you could have clutch-saved someone with a bubble and you can't do it because it's not ready. Also never underestimate how useful it is sometimes for you to body block for the team with your own bubble - can easily save a support or similar from dying even if you don't have a bubble to put on them directly.

That said, she's definitely not always the best thing to pick though - as you say, she's great when you have team-mates who know what is expected of them (e.g. a Rein who knows to drop shield when he is bubbled and swing) and when you have team-mates that can do good combos off of the Grav. She can also be a good pick when you have a team-mate who is a bit too gung-ho and keeps dying as you might be able to keep them alive to be more effective. But I'd say the weakest time to pick her is up against a very bunker-y or double shield type of comp, unless the rest of your team are already set up to deal with that another way, as even when you're at high charge the beam isn't much good if it's being obstructed by shields constantly. I also don't tend to pick her for short rounds (e.g. we're on a 3rd or 4th round of 2CP and only have 1 minute to cap)

I'm riding high at the moment because after all this time since launch I finally hit diamond (on Tank) - woohoo! I credit it to them making Winston viable again with the latest patch because I think he might be my best hero and not being able to use him at all even in situations where he was needed was really annoying
After playing competitive mode so much lately I can no longer enjoy a quick play game people in QuickPay don't speak don't follow tactics and rage when they don't get a heal yet they're behind 6 enemies by themselves:D:D:D:D
Which is annoying as it means if I keep losing comp matches I can no longer QuickPay to relax before going for more comps :(
The current word on the grapevine is that it will be entirely separate (the logo is distinctly "Overwatch 2"), and will be focused on PvE and lore, with Left 4 Dead being mentioned a lot, though there will also be PvP in some format. I believe it's set before the current Overwatch.

Overwatch is also potentially being made F2P, though take this with a grain of salt.
Big changes on the PTR currently:


  • Armor damage reduction increased from 3 to 5


  • Base armor increased from 200 to 250
Fusion Driver

  • Movement speed penalty reduced from 30% to 20%
Protective Barrier

  • Health reduced from 900 to 600

  • Cooldown decreased from 10 seconds to 8 seconds

Experimental Barrier

  • Health reduced from 1500 to 900
  • Barrier health regeneration rate reduced from 150 to 120 health per second
Kinetic Grasp

  • Cooldown reduced from 13 seconds to 10 seconds
  • Damage-to-shield gain ratio increased from 40% to 60%

Barrier Field

  • Health reduced from 2000 to 1600
  • Movement speed penalty reduced from 50% to 25%
Steadfast (Passive)

  • Knockback resistance increased from 30% to 50%
Are these changes enough to bring people back to the game? I'm personally getting bored of place shield, shoot shield, repeat.
As someone who prefers to play mainly shield tanks, my knee-jerk reaction is these shield nerfs are a bit disheartening, but it definitely will change the pace of things and shake up the overall meta, so I'll reserve judgement till giving it a play.
not been near OW in months.....just got totally bored of the double shield meta.

Cart maps were just becoming Double shield, Basiton every single time - got bored playing that over and over again
As someone who prefers to play mainly shield tanks, my knee-jerk reaction is these shield nerfs are a bit disheartening, but it definitely will change the pace of things and shake up the overall meta, so I'll reserve judgement till giving it a play.

The Rein speed change when holding shield will make him very different to play and with a Lucio and a zarya, an absolute monster.
The way I'm reading the changes is that Tanks are getting personal buffs, but their shield is getting nerfed... so personal survival about the same, but less protection for team... others agree?
Yeah, they are trying to make tank play more skillful and to have tank players take damage more and body block. Also to.make tanks more aggressive rather and just camping behind shields.

Armour changes help survival too. Orisa could become an absolute beast with fortify buff, movement buff and the amount of armour she has.

Shield nerfs are needed tbh and I say that as a main tank player. Let's see how the meta shifts now orisa shield hp + sigma shield hp = rein shield hp
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