
Having played CSGO quite regularly for a few years I'm not liking the fact there's no option to enable or disable mouse acceleration in this. Struggling to find a mouse sens I'm comfortable with as a result.
Like others have said on here you pick based on your predicament.

If I attack I'll probably use pharah or junkrat. If I defend I'll probably pick Bjorn or again junkrat. However if nobody is supporting I'd pick Lucio.

I think it good to master one in each class. Either way it seems that every character has another character that can counter their strengths.

So once everyone stops being stupid and attacking the attackers and leaving me alone to defend as Lucio that's not to smart.

I think ranked will bring this game into another level when it's released.
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If you play Pharah, there are a lot of characters who are completely ineffective against her.

Her Ultimate puts you at massive risk though.

Pharah is my go to at the minute, i rarely use another character regardless of the objective to be honest as she can just clear the opposing team out so quickly.

I only have a couple of issues with the game really, one is other human characters thinking they are playing team death match and completely ignoring the actual objective. I was literally the only person trying to escort a couple of games ago...crazy.

My second concern is the longevity...Is mod support coming at all for this ? If not then i can see this becoming stale after a while, sure its fun now but with nothing but cosmetics to unlock there isn't a lot to aim for.
You have ranked play coming in July (I think) and I'm sure other game modes will be patched in. I'm feely quite nostalgic for CTF at the moment, last time I played that game mode was UT2004.
Friends convinced me to buy so had a blast last night with them. First impressions, pretty good if slightly overwhelming the amount of character choice but I just took a different character each round to get a feel for them. Lucio I really liked as well as the rocket lady and the robot (can tell I've learnt their names already).

Can see me getting my £30 worth out of it.
So does lucio heal all characters near him passively?

I picked it up last night and played with reaper, loved teleporting behind snipers and shotgunning them in tbe back! Really nice flow to it all, didnt have any bad experiances last night. Going to try to get used to 1 char per role for now
Currently rotating between playing with a group of 3-5 mates in the evening and then not being able to resist a quick go on my own in the mornings... the contrast between the two is night & day (figuratively and literally), my god is trying to play solo frustrating sometimes...

The best matches are the ones that come right down to the wire, exactly like in TF2... when the timer reaches 00:00 and goes into overtime with everyone on both teams desperately trying to scrap it out on the final point/cart. The games where one clearly better (or at least using better teamwork) team completely shutout the other and they barely even set foot on the first point are an infuriating snooze-fest


And Here?

you doing it & blizzard doing it are two different things.
They have to make sure everything is up to their standards.
their not like Ubisoft, EA

they actually care about their games, And most of the time they create a good game with very little amount of bugs & flaws.

BF4 Launch to Overwatchs, Worlds different. took BF4 a year to fix issues such as Server stability & game crashes.
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It's insane how well the launch night went. How many games crumble on the opening week as the servers take a hammering?

I was able to play for like 3 hours on the first night from the minute the servers went live.

Really enjoying this :)
Had a few hilarious moments last night with Reinhart and his slamming/pinning ability. Not sure what map it was but the whole enemy team came out at once, all in a lovely single file.... :D Mass carnage followed and two players rage quit.

I then went full mentalist on some Japan map and latched onto 3 players with the pin...just as I saw Reinhart soar off the map with them in tow :o :D
Had a few hilarious moments last night with Reinhart and his slamming/pinning ability. Not sure what map it was but the whole enemy team came out at once, all in a lovely single file.... :D Mass carnage followed and two players rage quit.

I then went full mentalist on some Japan map and latched onto 3 players with the pin...just as I saw Reinhart soar off the map with them in tow :o :D

haha nice one... i did though read you wrong at first and thought you said you "went full metal alchemist on some japan map"....... to tierd after playing i guess xD
my mate is playing the game on a PS4 controller via ds4windows.

The game is kicking him out after 30 seconds - the only thing I can think is that the game is not recognising him playing as it's not keyboard/mouse movement.

He plays fine up until 30 seconds. Which I think is the AFK timer?

Any ideas?
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