
Anyone tried a controller on the PC with this? I know kb/m is always going to be better, but I'm having some problems with a badly healed wrist, so it would be nice if I could swap out to a controller every now and again, and not be totally gimped.

I'm playing with a controller and not having issues.

The tick rate is low and it's not a super-precision twitch game anyway IMO.

Having said that I don't play Widowmaker or Hanzo much....
It can be frustrating to stick with a terrible game, I think most players would agree. But sometimes things can turn around if players switch heroes and find the right balance. Seen quite a few games turn unexpectedly with a push or last stand. That would never happen if players just leave the moment it starts going a bit pear shaped.

Totally agree... I get enraged as much as the next guy and sometimes feel like quitting but the amount of games where I've said "Naah... we're screwed, this team are just too good for us" with about 30 seconds on the clock and then somehow we pull out a win at the very end... One well co-ordinated push is sometimes all it takes
[FnG]magnolia;29547656 said:
As I understand it, the game is set up to favour the shooter so the lower tickrate is beneficial to those characters.

It does effect everyone equally. The reason it is seen as a newb-friendly thing is basically because the delay lessens the gap between people with fast reflexes and people with slow ones. The result is everyone's shots being registered at the same time, giving slower players a more equal footing against the more skilled players.

A way to imagine this is two players seeing each other at the same time. One shoots first, then the other. The result in games like Overwatch is that they both die at the same time. It basically ignores who shot first.
The real result, if 'updates' were instant, would be that the one who shoots first will always win, like in real life. But that can never happen with low tick rate.
2 days and its begun, dont know why its a thing. Try not to let it put you off im going to ignore it and just do what i can to help the team if they like it or not lol

On the recent players list, you can set toxic players to 'avoid this player', or report them if they are really bad.

You can also set them to 'play more with this person' or something like that if you like them.
Had an absolutely stonkingly good game this morning... 2 pretty evenly matched teams, ended up going the full 3 rounds on Ilios and both teams being in the 95%-100% range on the point at the end of each round... No silly childish toxicity in the chat or anything either, both teams having a laugh saying gg after each round, praising each others plays... it was a sight to behold :)

Unrelated to that game but my favourite thing ever I think is still landing a Road Hog hook on someone just at the right moment:

"It's hiiiggggh-" SHINK...UUURRRKK...BLAM
"Takada-ko-n-" SHINK...UUURRK... BLAM
"JUSTICE, rains fr-" SHINK.... UUURRK... BLAM :p
Having a lot of fun playing McCree now. I really didn't understand where to fit him in properly during the beta and I often completely fluffed his ultimate during the beta too.

He seems super strong when on defense from what I can see. Being able to take out tank heroes with a combination of the flash bang, fan the hammer, combat roll into fan the hammer again is lovely.
Having a lot of fun playing McCree now. I really didn't understand where to fit him in properly during the beta and I often completely fluffed his ultimate during the beta too.

He seems super strong when on defense from what I can see. Being able to take out tank heroes with a combination of the flash bang, fan the hammer, combat roll into fan the hammer again is lovely.

You will find that actually you don't "achieve" many kills using his ult due to a number of reasons, but what it does do is clear the pathway. If you're team jump on it, it can be quite effective.

I still find it hard to know "the best time" but I try and give myself 30 seconds / 1 minute to chose, otherwise you're just holding on for the perfect kill. Obviously exceptions to that :)
Best time for Mcree's Ult I think is with a really decent flank on the enemy team just as your team are pushing with their own Ults etc. When people are already trying to jump out of the way of the double-dragons or hide from Soldier or Pharah they tend to be less likely to notice that Mcree isn't also in front of them...

Also as above I try not to worry about getting that epic multikill with the Mcree Ult... sometimes simply picking off a very troublesome Lucio/Mercy/Bastion/Widow can make all the difference in a big team push
anyone beat this?
Wow, just had my first experience of people moaning. Some prat criticising every player choice, calling everyone every name under the sun, must be so much fun complaining all the time.
Considering stopping playing until Blizzard update this with a decent tick rate. The amount of BS is frustrating to the point that it's not worth playing.

Last night I was getting direct hits on stationary players and not registering damage. In the same match an enemy Pharah knocked me with a direct rocket hit and it did 0 damage to me. gg.
Some games go right to the wire and are generally enjoyable. When you are being steamrolled because your team has 2 Hanzos and a Widowmaker and they refuse to change. Sometimes I wish there was a filter for stupidity.
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