
Well technically you do - there is a little exp bonus if you get medals, which are obviously based on your in-game actions.

Cool :p didn't notice that, I did notice if you absolutely destroy a team very quickly you seem to get hardly any XP at all, so there must be some sort of weighting for match time

Highlights of last night and this morning, a pretty decent game as Reaper last night - 30 eliminations (31 souls consumed ;)), 2 deaths, 26 killstreak, 13,000 damage... POTG? Nope... our team's Soldier 76 throwing down a healing barrier and then wildly firing a single volley of shots into the crowd which happened to hit their Ult-ing Winston for 14% damage :rolleyes:

Then this morning as Road Hog on the Lijuaing Tower map, managed to use my Ult to push their Reinhardt, Tracer, Lucio and Mcree (who was in his Ult) off the map... POTG was our Mcree killing 2 of their team with his Ult :rolleyes:

Still enjoying the game a lot and approaching the ~30 hour mark, at which point I'm happy with £1 per hour enjoyed - anything after that is a bonus!
The 20% exp boost is nice, so if anyone fancies adding me then please do, I'm usually willing to group up unless I'm going to be afking on and off

This is probably the best £30 I have spent in a long time, it has been ages since I had so much fun in an online FPS. Probably since the early days of TF2.

It's all I really want to play at the moment.
Same here.

I haven't been interested in any multiplayer game for literally years, but this is just too good to miss.

Last time I think I played this consistently was Counter Strike in the early 2000's
Agreed :)

The last online game which I had this much fun with was probably Tribes:Ascend, just because it was such a cool idea I hadn't seen before and presented a fun experience with a decent enough skill ceiling and challenge to it (much like this)... Sadly Tribes got a bit ruined by requiring you to unlock weapons which had absolutely ridiculous levels of grind to do so... Ah well - hopefully Overwatch won't ever go that route!
And for those people who think 128 players in Battlefield 1 would be better - For me 6 vs 6 has always been the pinnacle of a good multiplayer team based FPS.

I personally feel I'm making a large contribution to the success (or failure) of my team as opposed to being in a 64 player BF4 match.
And for those people who think 128 players in Battlefield 1 would be better - For me 6 vs 6 has always been the pinnacle of a good multiplayer team based FPS.

I personally feel I'm making a large contribution to the success (or failure) of my team as opposed to being in a 64 player BF4 match.

I wouldn't say large scale battlefield games are better or worse. I love Overwatch and i love big battlefield games. Both scratch different itches :D

The good thing about Overwatch is that there isn't an awful lot like it, though I did see a few similar games pop up once Overwatch was announced.

On another note i'm sick of modern day army shooters and I'm happy Battlefield is going to be set in WW1.
And for those people who think 128 players in Battlefield 1 would be better - For me 6 vs 6 has always been the pinnacle of a good multiplayer team based FPS.

I personally feel I'm making a large contribution to the success (or failure) of my team as opposed to being in a 64 player BF4 match.

This, I agree with always thought that 6 to 10 v the same number is the optimal amount, more than that you just a number in the team, with less you are a part and what you do really counts.

...but still reluctant to stick £30 in this game.
So far its a breath of fresh air for me in the fps genre, nice and balanced, no crappy gun attachments to make things unbalanced etc. I just hope it stays like this and they dont start adding too much rubbish like tf2 did
What does everyone think of the Genji vs Hanzo brawl?

Gave it a go just now and it was pretty tedious honestly... Hanzo's pretending they're useful and Genji flying around everywhere spamming attacks hoping things a) hit and b) don't get deflected. Just desperate pushing till you can cap.
king of the hill setup...

2x lucio

2x tracer

2x winston

we had an overtime go on for about 10-15 mins last night.. was sooooooo fun!

or can be even more gayer and if u have decent people who can play tracer..

5x tracer

1x lucio..

these setups make other teams rage!
What does everyone think of the Genji vs Hanzo brawl?

Gave it a go just now and it was pretty tedious honestly... Hanzo's pretending they're useful and Genji flying around everywhere spamming attacks hoping things a) hit and b) don't get deflected. Just desperate pushing till you can cap.
Tried it last night and gave up. Most of the Hanzo's just got slaughtered and in the end everyone just went Genji. Found it extremely boring. Got a few more days left until it changes too fs.
Sorry to break it to you... but it is just you...

No need to apologise. As I said above, fully aware it could just be me.

Whilst I love there are 21 different characters with 21 different playing styles, it means whilst I'm only at about 4 or 5 hours game time, I'm still learning how to play the game. I think only Reaper and Genji have more than 30 minutes so far.

The 20% exp boost is nice, so if anyone fancies adding me then please do, I'm usually willing to group up unless I'm going to be afking on and off


**EDIT** I'm AndyCr15#2763

Does anyone use voice comms while playing? I tried, people responded, but when I suggested, 'Lets regroup and go in together' instead of 1 at time to our deaths, no-one listened... :(
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No need to apologise. As I said above, fully aware it could just be me.

Whilst I love there are 21 different characters with 21 different playing styles, it means whilst I'm only at about 4 or 5 hours game time, I'm still learning how to play the game. I think only Reaper and Genji have more than 30 minutes so far.

That's also a great thing though - you can settle on a set of heroes that you enjoy and get playing, but then if things are ever starting to get stale you can always try something different or decide to try and learn to be good at a different character... Especially characters like Winston, who when you first try to play him seems really terrible and you just die again and again and feel like a total idiot... But with a little practice and once you start to get the hang of it (and pay attention to what other good Winstons are doing) you improve and suddenly hit this point where you're loving it :D

Does anyone use voice comms while playing? I tried, people responded, but when I suggested, 'Lets regroup and go in together' instead of 1 at time to our deaths, no-one listened... :(

Likewise, I sometimes give it a bit of a "Hey, anyone got a mic?" nothing... it doesn't help that the default push-to-talk key is stupidly not something anyone would ever guess nor within easy reach...
It's a class based shooter with similar game modes e.g payload and capture point, but that's about where the similarities end. It feels completely different.
I'm KraniX#2451 if anyone wants to group.

Maybe we could get the first post updated to list IDs for all those interested.
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