I have the most bizzare bug. Unfortunately it makes the game near unplayable for me, which sucks because I am enjoying it.
It can happen whenever, to be honest it's probably more like once every two matches on average. It can be at the end of the match, at the beginning or anything in between. I can't predict what triggers it, but imagine that your screen is made up of a grid of squares. Now when the glitch occurs, from the corner of the screen the screen will begin to 'grow' black. It spreads in a clearly blocky manner, until it moves to fill the entire screen.
However, the UI and kill cams are unaffected, and I am clearly still in the game. Player outlines are still there (as long as there is line of sight).
Even more bizarrely, if the blackness begins to grow (it happens within about a second or two) and I have the reactions for it, I can look away from the 'centre' of the blackness and get it off screen, and I will have survived the glitch and can continue to play. Otherwise if I want to stay in the game and not get a quitting penalty, I have to stumble around in darkness.
Updated all my drivers, need to try running all my gear at stock speed. But others have reported this bug too