
cant complain, 21 heroes in all editions, more expensive just gets the cosmetic guffery, but i expect ill get the origins edition.

If it offered beta access id have jumped already i figure, since it doesnt i can hold off :)
£45?? Blizzard can stick it at that price and I am a big D3 fan too.

Gonna stick to TF2 if I want to play a game like that,especially since Blizzard are 9 years late.


£30 seems a bit more palatable.
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I personally prefer the non F2P route for games like this that rely on Team strategy. At least when you're playing with randoms you will be playing with someone invested in the game.

£20 would have been the sweet spot for the base game.
I personally prefer the non F2P route for games like this that rely on Team strategy. At least when you're playing with randoms you will be playing with someone invested in the game.

£20 would have been the sweet spot for the base game.

Yeah non f2p is usually best.
plus with a game which relies upon switching heroes as your opponents switch it would have made the people purchasing heroes to have all the advantages, so im glad they give all the toys to everyone and then let the compositions come from people actually working together
Got my pre-order in for the collectors edition (cause you know... collectors!)

Although mines with the rainforest so can easily cancel it :)

Still awaiting a beta key :(
I've pumped hundreds into blizzard games, so I think I'm not asking too much for a chance to play this :(

Hit me up blizzard, it's not my fault I'm not a sellout twitch streamer
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