
Why did they even include Sudden Death anyway? It's just stupid. If attackers push further than the defenders did on there turn, the game ends. So why the hell does it not do the same if they didn't do it faster too?

Just had a very tense Watchpoint: Gibraltar where we edged out in time to victory and then they won in Sudden Death because we were arbitrarily put on defence... such a **** ending.
Yeah sudden death needs removed, just had a game that lasted 6 rounds so about 30 minutes of play. Then lost to sudden death on a map with a hard to defend first point. It's also impossible to react to enemy team changes as well going in to sudden death so effectively 2 coin tosses in a row to see if you will win or lose.

What's weird as well is these games seem to have the most rating change, which seems pretty stupid as the teams must have been very closely matched.
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Aah I loved this game until competitive play came out :p Now that's infuriating and quick play is generally too easy and infuriating for different reasons!

The biggest issue is the sheer unpleasantness of at least one of your teammates, there was a guy playing Mercy yesterday abusing us over mic, when we lost on sudden death he was swearing and blaming us further. I had out-healed him as Soldier 76 so...

Another time we had two tracers on our team, both were useless and didn't switch or really communicate at any point.

Having played DOTA and other games this is obviously not particularly new to me but I'd forgotten how toxic it can be, I'll have to try and get some buddies to play but pinning people down is harder now we all have lives. :p

Part of it must be me as I find myself on the losing team 65% of the time but I try to be civil and communicate best I can.

Sudden Death is BS, I've had to attack on Hollywood both times it has happened to me, one of the harder maps to cap the payload on on I'd say.
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Aah I loved this game until competitive play came out :p Now that's infuriating and quick play is generally too easy and infuriating for different reasons!

The biggest issue is the sheer unpleasantness of at least one of your teammates, there was a guy playing Mercy yesterday abusing us over mic, when we lost on sudden death he was swearing and blaming us further. I had out-healed him as Soldier 76 so...

Another time we had two tracers on our team, both were useless and didn't switch or really communicate at any point.

Having played DOTA and other games this is obviously not particularly new to me but I'd forgotten how toxic it can be, I'll have to try and get some buddies to play but pinning people down is harder now we all have lives. :p

Part of it must be me as I find myself on the losing team 65% of the time but I try to be civil and communicate best I can.

How do you know you outhealed him as soldier?

But yes the community is toxic to say the least.
The biggest issue is the sheer unpleasantness of at least one of your teammates, there was a guy playing Mercy yesterday abusing us over mic, when we lost on sudden death he was swearing and blaming us further. I had out-healed him as Soldier 76 so...

I've just started to mute anyone that talks pretty much, I've not had a single person say anything useful over mic on a match so far. It's usually someone just insulting the team or trying to lead the team with an inappropriate character.
How do you know you outhealed him as soldier?

But yes the community is toxic to say the least.

Well, I had the gold medal for healing :p Supposed we could've been tied, either way he was a bit of a hypocrite.

I've just started to mute anyone that talks pretty much, I've not had a single person say anything useful over mic on a match so far. It's usually someone just insulting the team or trying to lead the team with an inappropriate character.

Yeah, another time a guy decided we weren't going to win so just sat in spawn pretty much saying we were terrible over the mic every time they capped.

Another time a guy wouldn't shut up that we needed a Reinhardt, eventually I switched despite being much better as Road Hog, guess what he gave me pelters for how poor I was :p

I can't fault people if they try their best really because I'm not that great at games in general, cannot abide abusing team mates though.
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Yeah, another time a guy decided we weren't going to win so just sat in spawn pretty much saying we were terrible over the mic every time they capped.

Another time a guy wouldn't shut up that we needed a Reinhardt, eventually I switched despite being much better as Road Hog, guess what he gave me pelters for how poor I was :p

I can't fault people if they try their best really because I'm not that great at games in general, cannot abide abusing team mates though.

I've had this as well. 10 years ago it was funny banter on CS:Source or Battlefield 2. Now it seems like - for me anyway - kids just giving racist/homophobic abuse. both on ts and chat. Maybe the hours I play between after work are prime kiddy time ...

I always make sure I report them and ask the rest of my team to do so aswell.
The change in tone between standard matches and competitive related to players attitudes is almost enough to put you off.

Aye, folks need to chill out and pick a hero who gels with the rest of the team. Not just Hanzo because we already have 2 snipers and no healer :p :D

For me I think there is a bit of "well someone else will pick support so I'm going Widowmaker" kind of attitude.
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I love going back to Quick Play, it's so much easier I can play McCree and pretend he hasn't been completely nerfed to the ground.

I've had some pretty close Competitive games that have unfortunately been ruined by the BS sudden death mechanic :(

I wish they would treat this first season as a testing ground and start implementing the suggested changes before season 2.
I've had this as well. 10 years ago it was funny banter on CS:Source or Battlefield 2. Now it seems like - for me anyway - kids just giving racist/homophobic abuse. both on ts and chat. Maybe the hours I play between after work are prime kiddy time ...

I always make sure I report them and ask the rest of my team to do so aswell.

Totally different setup though. CS, BF, TF2, , CoD:MW any of those big games which had dedicated servers which tended to have regulars and communities in them you were bound to get people chatting more.

Games that just throw 6 strangers together in matchmaking for 10 minutes tops at a time just aren't the same.

Anyway, a fun day on Quick Play. Been on for about 3 hours and played nothing but Mei the entire time (in a group of 3, 2 and solo). Definitely saw the Mei love in some games. Solo'd the enemy Mei on Volskaya at the first archway, suddenly 3 of them are on me staring me down as I cryo-stasis and run away. 15 seconds later after I'm done playing hide and seek with a Junkrat, I realise my entire team is sat on the point ^^
Comp is totally broken, won 2 games - ranked up..

In the third game someone left - and a red sign at the top say "I can leave now without penalty, as someone has left" so I left, to discover I'd lost a rank and was now banned for 30 minutes, wtf blizzard.. think I'm going to leave comp alone for a while and stick to quick play
Two games this morning, both had idiots and further losses for me.

First, a guy is moaning about 2 players not being good at their characters. After a couple of minutes of us not pushing the payload very far on Dorado 'Right, that's it' he says, switches to Mei and just tries to wall us in to spawn as often as he could. I did of course explain to him over voice comms he was being a dick.

Annoyingly he was on the opposition the next game for another loss. We have a widowmaker and a Hanzo, all other four of us asking for one of them to please be something else, anything... but no...

In two days I've gone from 46 to 38. :(
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