Oxfam sex debacle

This amused me greatly. Seen so much gatekeeping from that bloke on social media, turns out he isn't a saint after all.

Eh we live in a corrupt and morally bankrupt society, that our MPs, charity leaders, etc. are also corrupt and morally bankrupt shouldn't surprise any one.
Eh we live in a corrupt and morally bankrupt society, that our MPs, charity leaders, etc. are also corrupt and morally bankrupt shouldn't surprise any one.

I didn't mean that to come across as if I were surprised but the way he puts himself across always irked me somewhat.
but seems a lot of people are surprised by it.

I'm surprised by the audacity of the Mr Cox that he has an alegation filed against him from before his wife was murdered, where the director and himself from save the children resigned and he did not think this might be an issue. Jo Cox must have been aware (maybe it was before she was an MP , so the resignations were unrelated)
The press (BBC in particular) with their witch-hunt against oxfam when they were equally aware of this and the other ngo's activities, it is not surprising people increasingly trust social media with so much selective and un-balanced media reporting
That’s a good point, the press must have been aware of this before, at least at the time of her murder if not before.

Edit: Seems The Daily Mail ran the story at the time.
Obviously the press knew about his rapey shenanigans, but with him being a lefty and the husband of a media darling lefty female MP they kept quiet. If it was the spouse/partner of a Tory or a UKIP MP it would have been plastered everywhere within hours.
This amused me greatly. Seen so much gatekeeping from that bloke on social media, turns out he isn't a saint after all.

I knew this guy was a wrongn' as soon as he came out with a pre-prepared speech just a couple of hours after her wife was killed with very little emotion. I would be too distraught to be in public for weeks. I was banned from a forum for suggesting this, now i'm vindicated
so why does nasa have such a difficult time getting their budgets? and can't get funding for anything exicting since the moon landings

Other people will probably be answer that in more depth, but I guess because the NASA budget is more about politics now than economics and also it's not like there is just an automatic multiplier on money spent, else let's just spend everything we have on space travel and we'll all be rich! :D

I think it's more to do with the money spent on R&D and the benefits that feed back into the system and for the last 20 years NASA's budget was less about R&D and innovation and more about just pouring vast amounts of money in to stand still, propping up the Shuttle system for one which ended up a massively expensive white elephant.
I knew this guy was a wrongn' as soon as he came out with a pre-prepared speech just a couple of hours after her wife was killed with very little emotion. I would be too distraught to be in public for weeks. I was banned from a forum for suggesting this, now i'm vindicated

i thought the same thing - he really milked the media attention and barely looked upset at all.
I knew this guy was a wrongn' as soon as he came out with a pre-prepared speech just a couple of hours after her wife was killed with very little emotion. I would be too distraught to be in public for weeks. I was banned from a forum for suggesting this, now i'm vindicated
Yep, the guy was quick to use his wife's death to make political capital a day or two before the referendum at the time it struck me as tasteless and wrong.
hmm - the press are always intrusive after such inncidents, and if I have respect for someone who can reject their and the publics demand to show public emotion.
(vs public's lady Di response say), looked up his name, but Antoine Leiris hommage to his wife after Bataclan was the most noble response.

but I guess because the NASA budget is more about politics now than economics
Explaining to the electorate the facts on financial benefit of NASA is difficult; heard today how Trump had previously rejected facts for MMR vaccine benefit; and brexit, USA gun laws are in the same category.
That’s a good point, the press must have been aware of this before, at least at the time of her murder if not before.

Edit: Seems The Daily Mail ran the story at the time.

Worrying when the DM are the most impartial form of mainstream media we have access to!
Oxfam witch hunt continues - so even Patricia May feels policitally compelled to comment on Oxfam update (she will be reactionary tweeting soon like Trump#), and play down B Cox's role.
Post Grenfell quick responses needed otherwise 'voters' will punish her - never mind the parliamentary porn abuses and Lord Rennard, all off of the agenda, forgotten now.

And I understand there have been further revelations today which show that actually there was physical intimidation of witnesses.

“This is absolutely horrific. This is exactly the problem that we see which means that all too often people don’t feel able to come forward to report what has happened to them, the behaviour that they’ve been on the receiving end of.”

Referring to Brendan Cox, the widower of murdered MP Jo Cox, Mrs May said he has recognised “his behaviour made women feel uncomfortable”.

poor Mary Beard also the victim of Pirahna feeding frenzy on twitter

(#Saturday night live parody of trump is gorgeous )
the lefty rags wouldn't want to touch the story.
Funnily enough the mail had a columnist arguing for him to be given a 2nd chance. I'm not saying he should be social outcast for the rest of his days but its not the sort of commentary you would expect for a paper like the mail.
Just seems so hypocritical with Oxfam being discussed in the House of Parliament;
Rt Dishonorable Damian Green, first public interview on R4 this morning, stumbled around in the interview, but not apologetic; maybe his behaviour is strongly dictated by brief though.
It struck me today that Charities are a bit like the Church.

Both organisations attract large numbers of people to them who are dedicated, selfless, and really do have a very strong desire to help others.

Unfortunately, they also attract people who are ambitious and greedy and seek to use the their position within those organisations for personal gain.

And they also attract sociopathic predators who are attracted to the opportunities that both organisations offer, by their nature, to take advantage of desperate people when they at their most vulnerable.

The difficulty has always been how to weed out the badduns without risking discrediting the orgasnisations as a whole (Hence the supposed cover ups) and also to try to do so in a way that would not discourage people from joining in the first place.

Interestingly (Though perhaps not surprisingly) This is not a new problem. Even back in the days of the Holy Inquisition, one of the roles was actually to seek out sexual predators. It wasn't "Just" about seeking out Heretics, Jews and Muslims you know...
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