Oxfam sex debacle

So are you saying there are no prostitutes in rich countries where people aren't starving?

From what I've been reading, women in Haiti have been coerced into sex as a condition for aid.

Even if it was just aid workers buying the services of prostitutes in Haiti, prostitution is illegal in Haiti so they are involved in breaking the law in a foreign country, which is a stupid thing to do
The Dept for International Development stopped it's funding programme for India at the end of 2015

Though other Depts do still use money for projects involving India, like funding to Universities for research. And not all of it gets spent in India, as Loughborough Uni received 0.5 Mil for a research project on environmental improvements of Indian homes for example.


Me thinks the government may have been less than honest.
Yup, I was talking about making effective donations to charities.

Perhaps it's time to try a different strategy as aid and charity over the last 70 years clearly hasn't worked. Could it be the right time to wean these countries off aid/charity altogether with the end result/aim to make them more self-reliant?
There is only one argument here which is the moral one. If you go out to disaster zones, war torn countries etc to assist the population in extremis, do you kick back in the evenings or in your downtime with a few hookers and booze or whatever? No, I think, would be the answer of most people in the sector. The reputational damage to the whole sector is immense. I can imagine even in my previous employments in construction where a lot of drinking is not unknown, sex parties with local prostitutes would be frowned upon and people recalled for a bit of re-education if discovered.
Are people still not understanding the foreign aid is and has always been nothing more the bribes? "We'll give you this much money for if there's ever any trading opportunities in the future we wish those to be given to us rather than another country"
There is only one argument here which is the moral one. If you go out to disaster zones, war torn countries etc to assist the population in extremis, do you kick back in the evenings or in your downtime with a few hookers and booze or whatever? No, I think, would be the answer of most people in the sector. The reputational damage to the whole sector is immense. I can imagine even in my previous employments in construction where a lot of drinking is not unknown, sex parties with local prostitutes would be frowned upon and people recalled for a bit of re-education if discovered.

I always begin to worry when anyone takes about taking the moral high ground. I suspect the work they were doing out there was pretty intense, both physically and emotionally, so an evening of bible lessons wouldn't really be the a good way to relax. If people want to us prostitutes and the girls aren't under age then I don't have an issue with this. I don't believe it in anyway affected their day job.
I always begin to worry when anyone takes about taking the moral high ground. I suspect the work they were doing out there was pretty intense, both physically and emotionally, so an evening of bible lessons wouldn't really be the a good way to relax. If people want to us prostitutes and the girls aren't under age then I don't have an issue with this. I don't believe it in anyway affected their day job.

I trust that you are not confusing morality with religion. I would abhor any religious context with providing aid. Although I am sure it occurs, often. I am more concerned with the power relationship, the authority and to a large extent respect for the provider of a service.

Also this is not foreign aid, it is (or was) disaster relief.
Are people still not understanding the foreign aid is and has always been nothing more the bribes? "We'll give you this much money for if there's ever any trading opportunities in the future we wish those to be given to us rather than another country"

This has always been my interpretation of 'foreign aid' as well.
There is only one argument here which is the moral one. If you go out to disaster zones, war torn countries etc to assist the population in extremis, do you kick back in the evenings or in your downtime with a few hookers and booze or whatever? No, I think, would be the answer of most people in the sector. The reputational damage to the whole sector is immense. I can imagine even in my previous employments in construction where a lot of drinking is not unknown, sex parties with local prostitutes would be frowned upon and people recalled for a bit of re-education if discovered.

So the same in developed nations, where our very own MP and by MP i mean the people who actually RUN the country (allegedly) its perfectly fine ?

Question is if the poor lasses involved were pressured into bonking for food, then something is amiss.... Or were they using the special look at my boobs attack move and you will give me food.......

Fine line indeed, and in today's climate the woman would be pretty dumb to say anything else happend apart from version one.

The UK is backward beyond belief when it comes to proposition unless of course your from the upper class in which case its all jolly good sport.... now where is that SS costume for Beatrix.......
Perhaps it's time to try a different strategy as aid and charity over the last 70 years clearly hasn't worked. Could it be the right time to wean these countries off aid/charity altogether with the end result/aim to make them more self-reliant?

Bit of a dubious generalisation to make. See previous links.
Are people still not understanding the foreign aid is and has always been nothing more the bribes? "We'll give you this much money for if there's ever any trading opportunities in the future we wish those to be given to us rather than another country"

Nope, they really have not. There is no point trying to explain that to people. They're going to believe what they're going to believe.
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