P & O Ferries

Daily Mail generally aren't wrong about things.


It has also been noted for its unreliability and widely criticised for its printing of sensationalist and inaccurate scare stories of science and medical research,[17][18][19][20] and for instances of plagiarism and copyright infringement.[21][22][23][24] In February 2017, the Daily Mail became the first source to be deprecated as an "unreliable source" for use as a reference on the English Wikipedia
I cannot visit the Daily Mail website for a while after seeing that poor girls face after being mauled by two dogs in America. Horrific.
Isn’t it illegal to make someone redundant and then replace them with someone else doing the same job?
They are replacing them with a "service" from another company basically, so the justification is that their role is redundant as the new "service" does the same thing

Proper bottom of the barrel stuff
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