Pachelbel's Canon in D on electric guitar - absolutely amazing

I thought it was very unusual though I liked it: not as much as the original but what could be better than the original?
The playing is quite fun, unfortunately in bits it reminds me of Noel's House Party... and I don't want to have to do that too often! :D
Mid nineties Rose Morris of Denmark Street in London had some dude demo The Stick to the public outside the store. I don't remember who the guy was but his tapping technique was just unreal - at one point he did medley starting with Vivaldi, through Classical Gas to Clapton's Layla and I couldn't sleep for like a week.
dmpoole said:
I've been playing professionally/semi professionally for 35 years and I would never make such claims because I know better and I know when somebody is better.
We've even had people on here slagging the playing of Satriani/Vai in the past.

Um...I'd like to offer my opinion on this, sort of an extension of what Andelusion said. Not only is music not a competition, it's entirely relative. Hypothetically, I can **** off the playing of whoever I like, whether I can play better or not, that's the benefit of free speech. I can also say I'm better that any given person, assuming that I believe I am, but that's also entirely subjective. If I didn't like what this other person was playing it, or didn't like their technique, I could say I was better, but on the other hand, this hypothetical person would probably say the same back to me. If some guy wants to **** off Satriani/Vai, then that's his don't have to be 'better' to be a critic, and as I said, who can judge who's 'better'? You can't, no one can.

In my naive, imperfect opinion, there's no such thing as good or bad music, or a good or a bad sound. There are sounds suitable for what you want them for, and there are soundes less suitable, but that doesn't make them bad imo. Same for music, there is no bad music, just music that some people like and others don't. Of course, every now and then you get something that just plain *isn't* music, and that's exempt from this rant. :p

That probably makes no sense, but it's the product of the mind of a frustrated teenager who's fed up hearing from his friends that they're better...not in my opinion. But that's all it is, an opinion. Music isn't a science, it's a passion, and all the better for it.

If anyone read that all, then I commend you on your persistence, you must be bored. :p I'm just ranting randomly, not aiming that at anyone specifically, just felt like I needed to get that off my chest. :o
What i don't get is how the canon rock videos are so famous,

if you look on video streaming sites they have 100s of thousands of hits and a shedload of comments

Just downloading that backing track now, hopefully its the sameone jerry C uses?
tTz said:
If some guy wants to **** off Satriani/Vai, then that's his don't have to be 'better' to be a critic,

Thats fair enough but if some guy says that Satriani/Vai are rubbish and what they do is easy then come along and show us all what he can bring to the table.
Music is a competition - its all about showing who is best, who's got the best technique, who writes the best songs and how many more people love you than the next musician and are willing to put money in your pocket. If you don't think its a competition then stay in the bedroom.

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