Pakistani couple murder daughter after refusing forced marriage.

Since it seems to be relevant. (slightly, bit of a tangent)

One couple, Qasim, 29, from Pakistan, and Debora, 33, from Portugal, were asleep at home when they were raided by four officials in January 2016. “We were questioned separately about our relationship and then Qasim was arrested, taken away and locked up in detention for four months before the Home Office finally accepted that our relationship was genuine,” Debora said.

“I was in a state of shock and trauma all the time I was in detention,” said Qasim. “It was very insulting that the Home Office came inside our home to check that everything was joined.”

What the ****? Is this the country you guys want? This is stasi level ****.

Another couple who sought permission to marry were told their relationship would not be investigated, only to have their wedding ceremony interrupted by officials, according to a statement submitted to their lawyers and provided to the Guardian.

The statement said the couple were taken into separate rooms and asked about their sex lives, including details about sexual positions and contraception. The woman was so distressed that partway through the interview she refused to answer any more questions. The Home Office officials then halted the ceremony and declared the marriage to be sham.

The couple, who are still together, were so humiliated that they did not tell their reception guests that the marriage had not been permitted to go ahead, instead continuing with the event and pretending to celebrate.


’Elizabeth Ruddick, of Wilsons Solicitors, said: “Home Office officials may come to your home early in the morning and check up on the number of toothbrushes …’
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Just read that. That is gruesome reading. 25 years is light. To force the siblings to watch as well :(

The sentence was life imprisonment. The number of years reported is the amount of time before they are allowed to apply for parole. Being allowed to apply for parole doesn't mean it will be granted. Bad reporting results in many people misunderstanding the sentence. It happens so often that I suspect the inaccurate reporting is deliberate.
The sentence was life imprisonment. The number of years reported is the amount of time before they are allowed to apply for parole. Being allowed to apply for parole doesn't mean it will be granted. Bad reporting results in many people misunderstanding the sentence. It happens so often that I suspect the inaccurate reporting is deliberate.

These things can apply for parole 4 years before the end of the sentence.
2003 isn't 7 years ago.
Oh I see they were charged 7 years ago.

In any case, just shocking... Unbelievable.
Since it seems to be relevant. (slightly, bit of a tangent)

What the ****? Is this the country you guys want? This is stasi level ****.


The problem is sham marriages are a huge business and can't be ignored, when the government make a balls up it can affect anyone, it's not like the Muslim community is being singlehandedly persecuted but obviously when you have a culture of arranged/forced marriage to people they hardly know from half way across the world, they are more likely to be targetted as a demographic.
Things like this is why people don't like religion, Muslims, Indian/Pakistanis. Add them all together and well... just ugh.
The problem is sham marriages are a huge business and can't be ignored, when the government make a balls up it can affect anyone, it's not like the Muslim community is being singlehandedly persecuted but obviously when you have a culture of arranged/forced marriage to people they hardly know from half way across the world, they are more likely to be targetted as a demographic.

Just end the practice of "Naturalization by Marriage" altogether. Anybody from abroad (*) coming to the UK for purposes of marriage much apply for, and get, UK citizenship before the marriage is legally recognised.

Initially I cacked up the spelling of abroad, spellchecker tried to change it to Bradford. I didn't know computers could do Freudian slips! :p :D
Prove causation then because until then it’s correlation, I’m of the mindset that it is coincidental to the cultures involved rather than provoked by the institution of Islam.

Anything else is prejudice.
Quite like making up a correlation that all brexiteers are stupid.
Who said they could? No one...oh dear

You said that a person sentenced to life imprisonment can apply for parole 4 years before the end of their sentence. Since their sentence is life, applying for parole 4 years before the end of their sentence would require them to reliably predict their own death 4 years in advance. My apologies for not explaining that to you - I thought it was too obvious to need explaining.

And it's life not FULL LIFE.
Wrong again....Try harder.

OK, I will try harder to explain it to you.

In the UK, when a life sentence is passed the sentence is life.

In addition to the sentence of imprisonment, a judge can also assign a minimum period of time before the prisoner can apply for parole. This is called a tariff. It's not the sentence.

You are confusing a sentence with the minimum period of time before which an application for parole will be considered.

Incidentally, the phrase is "whole life order" or "whole life tariff", not "full life". Not even if you shout it.

If you need more explanation, I suggest this brief explanation of life sentences from the sentencing council (which is the official body for sentencing in the UK):

EDIT: To save you the effort of clicking on a link, I'll quote the most relevant part from that page.

When a court passes a life sentence it means that the offender will be subject to that sentence for the rest of their life. When passing a life sentence, a judge must specify the minimum term (sometimes called the tariff) an offender must spend in prison before becoming eligible to apply for parole. The only exception to this is when a life sentence is passed with a ‘whole life order’ meaning that such an offender will spend the rest of their life in prison. A life sentence always lasts for life whatever the length of the minimum term.

Note that this is the official statement from the relevant body, which is more reliable than media click-baiting and ignorant rumours.
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Life sentence they can apply for release.
"A whole life term means there’s no minimum term set by the judge, and the person’s never considered for release."

These things never got Whole life term.

True, but completely irrelevant to your initial claim that either they weren't given a life sentence or that they could apply for parole 4 years before they died. You were too busy crowing "wrong" to be clear which you meant, but it was one of those two things.

You're approaching saying what I said to begin with and you crowed "wrong" at. Keep going and you'll get there.

Sickening. Utterly sickening. Parents should rot in jail.

They probably will, since they were given life sentences. They'll be allowed to apply for parole in 25 years, but if they do they probably won't get it.
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