PANASONIC TX-58AX802B issues so have been given a refund, going for something better £3k

26 Jan 2004
or 902B panasonic

3k budget.

anyone got any suggestions, though i think none of the other sets have Display port and i need that for connection from my pc... so its a must....

what to get thats much higher and has displayport..... i beleave the 902B is panasonics flagship model 55" so if there is nothing else that beats it then i will go for it.

this 58" 802B is going back on wedensday to currys due to uniformity and backlight/clouding issues.
though i did like the look of the samsung 8505 curved oled with soundbar :D looks awesome imho but i was told panasonic 902b beats it.......
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Only Panasonics 802b and 902b (and the 2013 65" model) offers DisplayPort AFAIK, that is the only reason I went for the Panasonic.

If you have Nvidia 970 or 980's with HDMI 2.0 then the DP should not matter.
thanks guys for the input the card i have is a amd r9295x2 card with 4 mini display ports v1.2a...

so i guess panasonic is the one to go for though im not sure if the 902b is game playable due to input lag but even though its pretty high people say playing there xboxone or ps4 on them have no issues or notice any lag.

if i ditched the panny though i will probably go for that one lol really love them from the plazma days.. and have the GT50b :D great set....

lot of money this and i want to make the right choice
its very strange that only panasonic do the displayport 1.2a compatibility.
if it wasnt for the issues with the 802b i would have kept it as it has an outstanding picture quality and works awesomely through my pc @4k 60hz.
the thing that i like about the 902b vr the 802b is the fact that there are no clouding issues or uniformity issues or colors fading at the sizes of the screen on pitch black screen those turn into grey hazyness.

with the 902b it has diming zones 128 and full led backlight av pannel great colors from all angles and blacks far better due to the way each pixel turns its self off for the purest of blacks.

going to have to think about this some more though im going to currys @10am so i have 4 hours to figure it out hahah... incl the time i spend there.


p.s its a pitty you cant buy a mini display port to hdmi cable that would carry the 2.0 spec. :/
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Why not try another 802b? Like you say it's a great set and fits your needs just right, from what I've read there aren't mass problems, just sounds like you had one dud? Surely worth another go at this sort of budget?
Why not wait a few month's and get a new model, this year we will be seeing th CX850 range with Quantom dot tech which should prove to be impressive, along with full array lighting, and HDR tech, it will also give you a little extra time to save some more money.

Also you'll get the new Firefox OS built in which will be much better than the current smart system they use.
well i might just wait for the CX series and get those in a couple of years but for now i ordered the 902b and arrives on friday so if it has issues i will just wait a few months for somehting new to come out

though i think the 902b is going to be fanstastic, it ticked all the boxes for me when viewing the display in store but we shall see when friday comes :) it was kinda close between that tv and the samsung curved but the display port is essential for me.
issues i was having was banding on vertical pans and backlight bleeding on the left and right sides of the screen most noticble in dark scenes and bleeches out colors in bright scenes
also v shapped clouding/bleed in the lower center of the screen...

issues i could not put up with.

i have been messing about with the 55ax902b and it also has issues
picture quality is better than the 802b even though the 802b was a fantastic picture quality
3d on the 902b is awesome even though its passive when using a bluray player that upscales to 4k you end up getting better 3d quality.

now the issues with this set is very bad backlight bleeding seems the bleed is in every single corner of the screen, also very bottom of the screen there is a little spiking like a bleed spike (top left hand corner is the worst out of all the corners and also that corner has a stuck red pixel in the very edge of the corner) the only way to hide most of the bleeding is having adaptive backlight set to max... but using that seems to crush some black detail though still trying to tweak that.
over all the quality is great and the sets build quality its like a tank. :)

i phoned currys know how service and they are getting the set replaced tomorrow on the spot and there going to field test it before it gets to me to make sure there is no issues with this one..
they tried to get a returns authorisation from Panasonic and they down right refused to give them it there by taking no responsibility for the issues with the set so there for currys no how warranty service took the bill on there on bat and payed for a new set for me and are going to return this one back to panasonic

the guy said the Panasonic guy on the other end wasnt no help what so ever and had a attitude problem and didnt want to help....

anyway new set arrives tomorrow *sunday* i mean how hard is it to get a perfect none issue set, its like a bloody lottery.... if this one has issues that i get when it comes and they said they where going to test it out first and if it has the same issues i will get a refund from currys and be done with it and get a big 4k 40" monitor instead.

for 3grand you would expect perfect i know i would and thats what im expecting for that price.
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Did you not want to try OLED ?

to go OLED i would loose 4k.
but just for ***** and giggles if this set i get has issues tommorow then i will give the 55" OLED LG a try.

though without 4k i guess i wont be bothered about display port in for my pc i can just use a hdmi cable.

though OLED will probably be next on the list if this one turns out to be a poop.
i have to admit though upscales blurays look far better when upscaled to 4k internally. for some reason the denser pixels really help bring out he fine detail.
Well fingers crossed this one is better for you:) i read all this years Panasonic new models will all use VA type panels which i think is a good move by panasonic.

I think some of the issues your having could be down the the IPS panel.
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cant be all down to that, for some reason the display model in currys did not exibit bleeding on dark content.
i can smell cherry picked imho.
Ive had my 802b for nearly 6 weeks and last night was the first time I saw a do slight vertical banding issue when my friend bought over FIfa 15 on PS4. It was very feignt and I can't see it in anything else so I can live with it.
well guys.. got my 2nd 902b and this ips pannel displays the same exact issue.
very bad backlight bleed down the top right corner of the screen to the bottom right corner of the screen.

i have had it with panasonc lcd tvs.
i think the flaws im getting are due to the type of pannel technology and think that it will be almost impossible to get rid of

also a issue with these panels out of the 3 panels i have had, in vertical pan shots you can see the actual led lights going across the horizontal width of the screen
gets much worse the higher you go with the adaptive backlight setting......

my next choices are oled or pc monitor though not sure 4k monitors are up to scrach yet with there panel tech either. that also probably goes for oled.

i guess i could look for a panasonic VT50 or 60 plasma....
Oh dear sorry to hear that Virus2k i guess you will be returning this one also :(

Have you not considered a different model like the SAMSUNG UE55HU8500 ? other than that i would try the OLED screen but then you lose 4K:)
might just give that a try for ***** and giggles though i heard the samsung has motion issues. Also the fact it only has hdmi 2.0 for 4k input and i have a mini display port out on my r9295x2 as it only supports 1.6 hdmi with adapter......

there are no official mini display to hdmi 2.0 adapters out yet :/
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