PANASONIC TX-58AX802B issues so have been given a refund, going for something better £3k

Tbh i hink what ever LED LCD you buy you will notice backlight bleed, the 65AX902 i have in the store show no signs of bleed in the areas you have had, but sometimes on bright areas near dark scenes it is visible.

If you want perfect black you will need to Oled.
Tbh i hink what ever LED LCD you buy you will notice backlight bleed, the 65AX902 i have in the store show no signs of bleed in the areas you have had, but sometimes on bright areas near dark scenes it is visible.

If you want perfect black you will need to Oled.

With a 3.1k tv you should not be getting these issues and for that price i dont want issues like these.
this is my 2nd one and if i keep getting it replaced there going to eventually stop doing it
but what do these people expect with a premium price you expect a premium product.
With a 3.1k tv you should not be getting these issues and for that price i dont want issues like these.
this is my 2nd one and if i keep getting it replaced there going to eventually stop doing it
but what do these people expect with a premium price you expect a premium product.

The problem is the tech, your essentially using little blinds to stop light, unfortunately some gets through, LCD will never be perfect.
guess thats that then, OLED here i come.......
or i might just scrub the lot and get a 4k pc monitor instead with a better pc upgrade ;)

going into currys on thursday so i will update the thread then and let ya know what tv i have gotten this time or not or refund or pc monitor :D

**** i could get a 5k pc monitor instead if i wanted :D
Don't forget, the LG 55EC930V OLEDs were £1999 in John Lewis for a fair while before Christmas and I paid £1899 for mine, I'd be wanting to push a large discount on the £2499 list price.

Saying that, I still don't have delivery, but they did say I will get an update on the 19th.

The VT65 would also be on my radar if you can find one! Doubt there'll be any new stock anywhere but there may be manufacturer refurbished or very good second hand sets around. I've just had a quick Google and there's an ex display one for £1499.
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Cool lets us all know how you get on with it hopefully not as problematic as the panasonic:)

Well its bloody awesome, what a dam difference.
no DSR no LED bulbs showing on panning shots. there is a green tinge but i havent calibrated it yet so that shouldnt he a issue backlight bleeding is at a minimum and cant be seen even with active dimmming enabled when watching movies :D

the display is great imho got to tweak it tonight :D

55" curved im not sure if this display is edgelit though i dont think it is cause there is no sign of backlight bleeing on the sides of the screen and very minimal to none existent in the corners of the screen.

going to be calibrating it today with color filters *pictre perfect and 709AV software. :)

i also got a samsung bd 4k upscailing drive

Samsung UE55HU8500T
Samsung BDH-6500
Logitech Harmony Touch Controller
Bose Cinemate 15 - Paid £579 for this sound system and in shop it sounded amazing so i bought it lol

looking forward to playing about with these gadgets :D
Great news ViRuS2k im glad you like it:)

The Samsung UE55HU8500T is indeed an edge lit display and from the sounds of it they have done a good job implementing it too.

Once calibrated it will look even better..enjoy your gadgets :D
Hi we know how you feel as we're in the same position. We bought the panasonic 802b 58 inch which had terrible vertical banding. We returned that and paid extra to get the 902b 55 inch and now have horizontal banding.
We don't know where to go now. We'd be really interested to see how the samsung works out for you. We did look at that one initially but were a bit put off by the curve and the blacks.
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yeah its like night and day..... dont get me wrong but i love panasonic big fan considering there awesome plasma`s but with LCD they are pretty poor infact its like night and day quality wise and no bleeding and no DSR and no panning up and down shots showing the led lights in the back of the screen showing through the screen....

none of these issues on my samsung curved 8500.
and the 3d performance is perfection though the glass`s that are supplied i wish they had been rechargable glass`s but there not so if you get this tv and watch a lot of 3d get some spare battries

i truly have found the tv and quality that 2k deserves. and dont get me right but the blacks on this tv are awesome thats even without enabling the dimming features and with those even better blacks look black without distoring the detail.
and also this tv is the same size as the 902b panasonic and 1k cheaper and quality is better so you have 1k in budget to get some other goodies :D

i went with a bose cinemate 15 sound setup for this tv. cant wait to test that out comes tomorrow in the post, tested out the sound in the shop i know bad enviroment but the quality was teller.

also the motion remote that comes with the tv is fantastic way better than the motion controller you get with the panasonic and did i forget to say the tv look way way better and more stylish than the planasonic.

its like a no brainer. go for it.
One other thing to remember, picture settings in shops are set to SHOP mode on the tv`s and use 100% brightness and 100% contrast in Dynamic mode to give them more punch in a very bright setting....

its night and day once you get home and calibrate it ;) i recommend you buy the PICTURE PERFECT bd disk to calibrate the contrast and brightness ;)
Thanks for all the feedback. Went to Currys tonight and the 4 K demo on the Samsung looked stunning but there was very little panning.
Do you like the curve? We were warned about it distorting straight lines such as the lines on football pitches and tennis courts.
Planning to go and look again tomorrow.
Thanks again
Football is fine, there is no DSR or banding on panning shots. *do not use FOOTBALL MODE on the tv as its pants lol all it seems to do is enable dynamic 100 brightness 100 contrast and smooth motion on max so dont use it*
4k is utterly awesome cant wait for native 4k bd`s as those will be even better.

standard sky HD movies are fantastic

there is not really any issues at all that i can point out on this tv compared to the issues i had on the panasonic its like night and day.

about the curve, the curve is not actually that bad its much less of a curve than i thought it would be and adds to a more immersion experience..

get the tv and give it a try in a home environment you i guarantee you wont be disappointed.

* side note if you go for the tv make sure you see if the promotion is still on for the UHD Drive Pack, 500gb hdd with 3 movies and demos on it if you dont like the movies you can always use it as a hdd for putting other stuff on :D lots of space free on it and if the promotion is still on you get it with the tv free. *check with currys for that*
life of pi looks sick in 4k so does world war z :D

also the tv plays 4k from netflix and amazon without any issues at all *not sure if you have any accounts though just saying they work*
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Hi bose cinemate15 came today :)
sound quality is pretty great for a such a small footprint it can pack a huge punch
voice vocals are great aswell very crisp.

the only thing i dont like about it is that there is no trebble adjustment
and that you cant control the base from the remote to control the base you have to turn the knob on the back of the sub then leave it at that :D

only thing you can do with the remote is control volume and turn the system off or on though the remote is also a all in one remote that can be configured for all your devices.

For sound quality alone though its a awesome little footprint sound system
the main small sound bar has 4 independant channeled speakers inside it and the 2 on the sides bounce the sound off your walls to give you the feeling that there are speaking behind you and it all works great.....

only complains are the ones above but for audio the quality is there.
It's your money dude, as long as you're happy then that's what counts :)

yes i know i know i could have gotten a better system for the price but im not looking for a huge bulky thing with wires everywhere and speakers everywhere.

this system is for a bedroom ;)
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