26 Jan 2004
Just bought it today :D still in box plan on getting it setup tonight
anyone bought this screen its reviews look great, and it has netflix 4k support hvec chip.

and has display port input for 4k @60hz via pc.

cant wait to try it out it looks out of this world in the shop floor.

cost me £1799 incl 5 year guarantee.
sweet :D
currently trying to find a review that shows me there calibrated settings and what to turn on and what to turn off for best quality picture.

im also trying to figure out how to get 4k @60hz via my pc to this tv

the graphics card i have is mini display 1.2 compatible and the tv is hdmi 2.0 compatible and display port 1.4 compatible

though im trying to fiure out what cable i need

would this cable work ?

CSL - 3m (metres) mini DisplayPort (miniDP) to DisplayPort (DP) cable | certified | 24ct gold-plated contacts | PC & MAC / MAC, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air and many more

though it does not list it as 4k @60hz im guessing any mini display to display cable would work
though not sure about the maximum leanth of cable to be compatible with the bandwith or stable ect.
Shame you did'nt wait a few days as most will be doing it for £1699, could have got it for that plus a 6 year at Pana stores.

i have 26 days i can return it if i wanted + they said they would do a price match im going to phone them in a few days as a few places currently have it @100 cheaper so going to get that knocked off if i can

on the + side this screen is amazing. :D
I calibrated another one a few days ago; also a 58" version. I ended up with most of the settings switched off except for Digital Frame Creation (low) and Caption Smoothing (Mid). The out of the box colour balance was exceptionally blue on the 'Normal' picture setting with the Colour Temp preset on the mid setting. The measured colour balance veered from 8500 deg Kelvin in shadow to 8000 deg K at peak white. The Gamma was a little off too - 2.1 with a strange kick out at 90-100 IRE where the contrast setting (100%) put a kink in the curve. The primaries and secondaries are a bit off as well.

Once calibrated, all these issues were easily corrected.

Primaries and secondaries all mapped correctly within the Rec709 colour space. Colour temperature was consistent throughout the range. If I recall correctly, my start point for the colour calibration was colour preset Warm 2. Gamma tracks at a very respectable 2.21

Showing the customer the before and after (Normal vs Profession 1) on the two inputs calibrated was a revelation. Happy bunny :D
The guy I calibrated for is a major gaming nut. We tested the latency of the screen with a timing device. From memory the reading were something like 37 - 45 millisecs from top to bottom of the screen in PC/Games mode. The calibrated input for gaming (no processing on) measured the same.

PS4 with bitrstream out and running through the Onkyo amp in "Through mode" and playing Blu-ray video required lipsync correction of 180ms! That's much more that I was expecting. Games were running with 0ms on the amp.
hey lucid mate can snap a few pictures of your calibration settings for me please also 3d settings aswell and pc settings as you can set the settings up for every input......

when my cable arrives i will be mini display port out of r9295x2 to display port on the tv to get 4k @60hz.
and for tv i am currently using free sat until my sky hd 2TB box arrives on the 30th.
im trying to calibrate it myself... but so meny sources im using lol

also netflix 4k is working for me and dam that marco polo and house of cards look utterly awesome
i head that amazon instant video has more 4k content and i have a sub on that also but i cant for the life of me get 4k content working with this tv i think they only support samsung and sony i wonder why that is very disappointed in that bit of news from reading about though no one states why i have the hvec chip so not sure why...
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I can't take pictures. The TV is at a client/customer's house. This was someone who paid me to calibrate it properly for them. That process involves test patterns, a colour sensor, some sophisticated software and a whole lot of experience.

Stuff like the Noise Reduction settings (which is generally to "Off" anyway) can be taken from somebody else's settings. All the picture adjustments setting though, they can't.

Backlight, Contrast, Brightness, Colour, Sharpness, Gamma, Tint, RGB cuts/gains, CMS hue/sat/bri, etc etc are all individual to the room and the set and (to a lesser degree depending on source) the accompanying equipment. The settings records from all the AX802's I've calibrated show similar trends in certain areas, but the final numbers are all different. So using someone else's settings will make the picture look different, but it's just as unlikely to be as incorrect as the factory settings. Taking a picture of any screen settings really won't help you.
oh well :) lol guess i will tweak away until i get it right for my eyes...

though only source i currently have at the minute is 4k netflix.
and for some reason i get the funny suspicion that the quality of netflix 4k produces what i would call grain/hazyness as i get the feeling they are not streaming me true native 4k content.
Of course they're not streaming true full resolution 4K. Its heavily compressed. If it wasn't, there'd be no way it could be sent via the UKs broadband network. It's the same with 1080 content. Streamed and satellite are nowhere near as good as a Blu-ray.
Its all about the bandwidth rather than just the resolution. Bandwidth is (in part) a product of resolution and refresh rate. The last few iterations of HDMI have all had enough bandwidth to handle 4K contemt at 24 frames per second. So technically there's no reason why it wouldn't work. The barrier would be the HDMI handshake and what it tells all in the chain to do with 4K. That's the reason why some of the HDMI 1.4 Receivers can handle 4K whete older product can't; it's more the instruction set rather than the technical limits.
well i went to currys hahaha figures they would only price match these stores

A.O = they didnt even have the TV in stock lol
Argos = Again not in stock or available
Asda = not in stock or available
Tesco = not in stock or available
John lewis = These had it in stock but not in my size tv 58"

what a load of tosh might aswell call it poormans price match stores lol, and even then none of them had the tv in stock or any availability apart from john lewis.... but wrong size.
haha yeah...

well after testing out the set so far it seems pretty good but there are a few issues that might annoy me in the future.

i seem to have on my screen what looks like light grey clouding or back light bleed and only shows up in the blackest of movies - DOOM for example.

bottom left middle of the screen
though some content can show black scenes and not have this issue at all or show this issue.

could it be back light bleeding, or a setting in my picture settings.
It could be backlight bleed, most cases on the AX802 range it shows up on the edges, sometimes a reset can help to remove this, something odd happens with the TV.

Quite a few say turning on the colour remaster can also help remove some of the odd tint seen in black or dark scenes.

It's a case of play until you are happy with this TV though.
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