Having a problem with mine, had it a week now and i just cant get rid of the issues.
getting a horizontal line when in vertical panning shots.
both left and right sides of the tv produce clouding and cause colors to fade
bottom low center and right center cause a v shaped clouding/backlight bleed on dark movie pictures
and also starting to get purple tint on blacks
and for a 1799 price point you would expect perfection just to meny niggling issues
apart from that the 4K quality and PQ are outstanding in performance and quality
but with those above issues i think im going to get it replaced. and if the next set has the same issues or worse, i will be going the 4k pc monitor route.
I think dirty screen effect is quite common on this set.
It is by no means perfect. If you are not looking at it straight on the colour washes out, I really dislike the stand (personal taste), the machined polished edge at the top is a **** if you have spot lamps above it (which I do) as it reflects the light straight into your eyes!
The colour is decent for a LED but I have seen better (I haven't tweaked the settings much so this most likely can be improved).
The bezel is too thick for a TV of this price also IMO.
Only one HDMI 2.0 port is a bit of a bummer.
I only bought it for the DisplayPort to be honest, and it is a good set. some of these issues are unique to me I am sure.
I do like the remote, the built in speakers are good if you have to use them, the image quality is very good and the motion is smooth, seems to have nice smart features and a camera for Skype (both of which I will never use but still good features), including a pair of 3D glasses is great.
For the current price it is a good buy but if you don't need DisplayPort I think you can get better bang for your buck.