passed my prmc :D

at the end of week 7 now just finished ex marshal star wasnt too bad mainly a night nav ex but we got bumped in the eairly hours of the morn 10min to get ready pack your kit and run 500m with a burgan up a hill lol got put on the flank once for abit of rust on my mag springs bummer we got hammerd for that all going realy well been highlighted for section commander for week 15 already as long as i keep digging out blind my corpral told me. got a battle swimming test tomorrow should be cake my next ex will be hunters moon wich is purely a nav ex supposed to be one of the worst ex's started with a troop of 57 originals now down to 37 originals + 10 backtroopers nexst leave is week 10 right after hunters moon thats for the weekend. will pop back in let you know how things are when i get chance
*salutes DaZzZa*

Played fella, my Grandfather was a bootneck and my dad did the assault course at Lympston when he was in the Navy. The short one, he said it nearly killed him.
their are 32 weeks in total for basic training

hehe yea every fiz sesh you naily die but thats the only way to improve

gonna have a nice sleep tomorrow after the working day has finished had very little sleep this week maybe around 8 hours total sleep just chilling in the internet cafe on camp atm nice to get a sit down and not worry about doing your admin untill monday but so far i am loving it these 7 weeks seem like that have totaly flew by i hope the rest follow as fast
DaZzZa said:
their are 32 weeks in total for basic training

hehe yea every fiz sesh you naily die but thats the only way to improve

gonna have a nice sleep tomorrow after the working day has finished had very little sleep this week maybe around 8 hours total sleep just chilling in the internet cafe on camp atm nice to get a sit down and not worry about doing your admin untill monday but so far i am loving it these 7 weeks seem like that have totaly flew by i hope the rest follow as fast

What happens when you complete basic? Will you be on tour or something?
Nix said:
What happens when you complete basic? Will you be on tour or something?

90% sure i wil be shipped off to iraq for 6month

ohh yea firgot to mention anyone one read the newspapers about the marines and the bean juice incident? that was in the same block as me just the rooms above was nothing like what the papers said lol
The media simply don't understand the Marines, or for that matter, most of the military. They think it's all jolly war games and fitness.

Grats on your achievements and all that. My father and uncle are in the Marines so if you have any questions (or anyone) I'm sure I can get some decent answers to them. :) My dad's been in since he was 16!
Phog said:
The media simply don't understand the Marines, or for that matter, most of the military. They think it's all jolly war games and fitness.

Grats on your achievements and all that. My father and uncle are in the Marines so if you have any questions (or anyone) I'm sure I can get some decent answers to them. :) My dad's been in since he was 16!

Who are higher regarded?

Para's or Marines? :p
Missed this thread first time.

Congratulations on the initial test and I assume you are on the Commando course Dazza ?

Being one of the longest, maybe THE longest, and most physically and menntally demanding basic training courses in the world, I think anyone can be proud of achieving the green lid.

Per Mare Per Terram. :cool:
Nix said:
Who are higher regarded?

Para's or Marines? :p

Well a mate of mine who joined the Marines in the early 90's and has left now, told me of a cracking punch up in a nightclub between Marines and Paras. He then said that they all had a drink later on, but I never did know if he was kidding or not.

Anyway, o/t.
I'm looking forward to my PRMC now, every day i'm feeling more confident, although i've been out for a month with a bloody cold!

My RM acquiant day is in July, that will be a good laugh I hope, it is only for a day. I'm aiming to complete any runs they send us on, that will make me happy :D

I forgot to ask you on MSN about a couple of things daz, i'll be on tomorrow early if you are about :)
Yo Daz, how are you finding it so far? Have they made you eat lard yet? I should get my PRMC organised for early next year, that should give me enough time to get fit enough to find it slightly easier than I would if I went with Manlove. :o :D
its had its ups and downs easy and hard times i have enjoyed most of it so far few things i hated were

mud run in the estury(sp?) mega hard mud to your knees and you godda run and crawl through it much pain involved lol

firemans carry camp cuircuit was not to bad hurt abit

lampost camp cuircuit hurt a lot seen as though the guys in front of me bar the lead man wernt carrying it properly on the shoulder

flanking on marshal star was a hangout hill spints with big water cans ppl on your back ect

looking forward to weeks 11 and 12 when we spend 2 weeks on the range shooting the crap out of things
Well done mate. I have a lot of respect for people like you because there's no way I could undertake anything like this myself!

Von Smallhausen said:
Missed this thread first time.

You didn't ;)
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