at the end of week 7 now just finished ex marshal star wasnt too bad mainly a night nav ex but we got bumped in the eairly hours of the morn 10min to get ready pack your kit and run 500m with a burgan up a hill lol got put on the flank once for abit of rust on my mag springs bummer we got hammerd for that all going realy well been highlighted for section commander for week 15 already as long as i keep digging out blind my corpral told me. got a battle swimming test tomorrow should be cake my next ex will be hunters moon wich is purely a nav ex supposed to be one of the worst ex's started with a troop of 57 originals now down to 37 originals + 10 backtroopers nexst leave is week 10 right after hunters moon thats for the weekend. will pop back in let you know how things are when i get chance