Passing Red Light by 0.9 seconds

28 Jul 2021
I apparently passed traffic lights on Red (0.9 seconds).

Thanks for the replies. Not sure how to cancel but will not follow this anymore.
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considering the reaction time, there was not sufficient to apply brakes and stop safely behind the signal.

Not going to work, you should approach traffic lights with caution as they may change, you knew exactly what you were doing as you would have pushed past an amber, time to lube up.
Not going to work, you should approach traffic lights with caution as they may change, you knew exactly what you were doing as you would have pushed past an amber, time to lube up.

Pretty much this.

You tried and failed to beat the lights when you should have been slowing already. I guess the only thing you could argue is being able to pay £100 instead due to delays.
Not sure there are any mitigating circumstances on the offence, perhaps in the delay in providing what you asked for if you have an audit trail. But you will get done I suspect.
"AMBER means ‘Stop’ at the stop line. You may go on only if the AMBER appears after you have crossed the stop line or are so close to it that to pull up might cause an accident"


Good luck with that one. Your only hope in my opinion is querying the quality of the original evidence and your request for further clarity should have stopped the timeline, in light of that evidence you're more than happy to admit the offence with the original penalty.

You'll still get the book thrown at you but doesn't hurt to try!
0.9 seconds is an eternity. Amber lights are on for 4-6 seconds.

This means you had between 5 and 7 seconds to stop.

Assuming it was a 30mph area then reaction time is 0.75s and stopping time at a safe steady rate is 2.93s so 3.68seconds. There was ample seconds spare to come to full halt well before the lights turned red.

Even at 60mph the times are 0.75s reaction plus 5.86 so 6.61 seconds in total. That might be a close call unless you started braking harder but unless you were way off the lights when they changed amber you would be long past through the amber light well before it changed red.

You gambled and lost.
It didn't go straight red, you chose to pass at amber. Amber means stop.

I got caught by one about 15 years ago when I was late for work. Take the punishment, learn from the experience.
Excusing the dream to try and get off doesn't the fact that the OP requested further details reset the time and therefore the original fine and points still stand?
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