Path of Exile(diablo clone)

I started playing the new league at the weekend, as a new player i'm really enjoying it so far. I have been following enkis guide which is really helping me understand the game as i go through.

Record steam numbers on this for league launch i heard so games doing great

OCUK guild would be good to start :)
I'm hoping to have the same low life righteous fire build going that I had towards the end of last season, looks like I'll have to wait a little while an invest into another build first though until the economy gets going.
I'm just getting back into this (again) going stunsunder Jugg and finding it pretty good going. I'm only 49 and just got Kitava dead for the first time and now running through again from Lionseye but I'm enjoying it. Might stick with it this time :p
Hey all, just got access to the Temple of Azoatl (or however you spell it) is there a recomended level?

Level 64 and went in (playing stun sunder bezerker, far from optimised but ploughing through stuff) and I get mauled every time by a pair of elites with absurd damage output, last like 5-10 seconds against them.
The temples level is based on the level of the incursions that were run to unlock it. So it should be level appropriate, unless you got a carry though a high level map that is boosting the area's level. If you hit tab what level does it say the area is on the right hand side?
The temples level is based on the level of the incursions that were run to unlock it. So it should be level appropriate, unless you got a carry though a high level map that is boosting the area's level. If you hit tab what level does it say the area is on the right hand side?

I didn't know you could view the level, was out by the time I seen your post. I cannot imagine why it won't be level appropriate as no one has boosted me through anything, wasn't even sure where I was. :p

I'm resistance capped -8% on chaos resistance currently which I will address but these two bosses in tandem and the insane health regen they had I could not even lay a glove on them, was blinking frustrating.
Finished all 10 acts today, what a brilliant game.

Working on some maps now as my stun sunder Seeker, I'm far from optimised as I'm having to drop a lot of passives into resistances to cap (and about -22 chaos Res at the mo) but managed to clear about 5 maps so far and got s sweet new 2h axe.

Is there ever any intent to expand beyond the 10 acts or has nothing been said?
Finished all 10 acts today, what a brilliant game.

Working on some maps now as my stun sunder Seeker, I'm far from optimised as I'm having to drop a lot of passives into resistances to cap (and about -22 chaos Res at the mo) but managed to clear about 5 maps so far and got s sweet new 2h axe.

Is there ever any intent to expand beyond the 10 acts or has nothing been said?

Nothing said yet, but Chris Wilson said they're going to drop a massive update this year so there's hope.

There are a large number of critical projects going on at the same time. For a start, our 4.0.0 mega-expansion is taking a huge amount of the company's time. We see this upgrade as critical because the next generation of Action RPGs is coming and we have to be ready. Not proactively keeping up with competitors is how companies die. We don't see the huge time investment in 4.0.0 as optional at all.
I'd be really surprised if they added more acts. POE is all about the endgame, most people just rush through the acts asap. Don't get me wrong, the campaign is decent, but after the millionth time through it, it gets tiresome lol!
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