Finished playing in a PF2.0 mini campaign last weekend, it was a pretty fun homebrew plot where we went from a band of straight forward town's guards with no special abilities into a fairly skilled bunch of mercenaries that stormed a castle and claimed it for our own... we ended up in the final session declaring ourselves the Lords of Biggles' Keep (Biggles was the name of our Ranger's pet leopard).
In our 7 sessions, I've had to make 4 characters due to deaths.
The first death, I exploded in a ball of fire when I lit a torch inside a cave filled with gas deposits.
The second, one of the party triggered a trap where the floor all around us fell in segments... I failed the reflex save to move in time and landed on a bunch of large spikes before being crushed by the walls of the pit closing in.
The third death was caused when a young dragon rammed our airship, making me fall overboard and plummeting to the ground.
...My turn to DM next with what appears like it's going to be a very holy party (so far I've got confirmation of 2 paladins and 1 cleric).