I've got a kit of the 3600mhz variant, they don't work well at XMP, even tried 3400mhz and it was still unstable at the XMP timings, even when inputted manually
Happy with it at stock but I might end up getting into contact with Patriot and setting up a RMA, will update the BIOS when I try again, wonder if I got a poor memory controller?
One other thing to be careful with is I've heard people have had an issue with the heatsinks falling off, mine are a little wobbly so it's something I can certainly see happening.
Happy with it at stock but I might end up getting into contact with Patriot and setting up a RMA, will update the BIOS when I try again, wonder if I got a poor memory controller?
One other thing to be careful with is I've heard people have had an issue with the heatsinks falling off, mine are a little wobbly so it's something I can certainly see happening.