its even worse when you're playing with AI, cos you can throw yourself off heights, but those idiots come running to revive you.
Used to be a pain for the Frames mission, cos the AI are handy for Day 2 when the cops turn up, and you've got a load of bags and only 2 jammers.
You either deal with reviving AI on Day 1 & 3 when things go south, or suffer with just 2 ppl expected to do everything, no AI to distract the cops etc while you lob bags back n forth.
Well my brother hit 80 at the weekend so we spent sometime doing a few deathwish stealth missions for the achievements.

So far we have done:

Bank Heist Cash
Bank Heist Deposit
Bank Heist Gold (Pro)
Bank Heist Cash (Pro)
Diamond Store

And I think their was another but cannot remember.

Not tried any of the actual loud missions yet as I am actually scared of what will happen haha
My mates just hit level 80 as well, I'm only like level 50ish or something like that, but we tried a few Deathwish missions (stealth only ones mind) and did reasonably well. I gained a good few levels completing some of those.
Well last nights gaming resulted in me finishing my 'bad luck' map - GO BANK alone. This map is such an utter PITA that only my three friends who I play with daily have finished it on the odd occasion. I have managed to get as far as the sewer before dying there.

We're mostly in the high 60's now and last nights heist kicked off immediately on the wrong foot when the shop keeper somehow got alerted seconds into the map starting. We rushed into the bank and tied everyone was then that I realised I had forgotten my SAW. Got the vault opened and had one guy pick ALL the deposit boxes which took ages.

The rest of us guarded the vault in which there was a mad standoff. Ended up with 150+ sniper kills with the R93 rifle and got the 500 kills achievement too! Then the pilot decided to miss the money cage FOUR times! We had no ammo by the time we ran to the sewers and the others died as we ran to it. I had no choice but to navigate the damn thing myself with 2 rifle shots and an axe I fought off the rozzers and saw light at the end of the tunnel :o :D

Edit: I'm a L64 Techforcer btw
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The 'Go Bank' is one level I'm still yet to finish (admittedly I don't have Big Bank but have played it a couple of times as my friend has it and we can't even get close). I'll have to get the lads together and see if we can pull this one off, as I enjoy playing a range of levels and if we can get a good system going on this one, it'd add another possible level to the list :)
Wow 4 times that is insanely bad luck, I have had him miss twice then crash on the second time.

We actually did Go BANK on overkill silently the other day, It is much harder than the other banks and you will actually need to kill civvies in the end which I did not like :(
Wow 4 times that is insanely bad luck, I have had him miss twice then crash on the second time.

We actually did Go BANK on overkill silently the other day, It is much harder than the other banks and you will actually need to kill civvies in the end which I did not like :(
We've yet to stealth GO Bank. We tried 5 attempts in a row a few days ago and got close twice. On one attempt we were snitched by an npc who came out of the portaloo out back (this was new), and on another attempt civs outside of the map down the road rang the rozzers and we were out of grens to take them out. Shooting them had no effect.

It is horrible bank to do imo. Too lengthy, with too many variables for things going wrong. We've yet to get the Big Bank DLC...can't wait to see how 'big' that is :D
Have nearly stealthed GO Bank - we cleaned out the safe sliently and in the process of getting the bags up to the roof they sent 3 extra guards to the bank, and that's when **** went down. Only two of the team made it out through the sewer; I got caught in the street and got banged up :(

Managed to stealth Bank: Deposit (I think), feels so good when you bust in, control the crowd and hotfoot it out with the dosh :p
If yo get them out silently you load them into the van out front not on the roof so not quite sure what you were doing there :P
Ah yes apologies , I remember now - the guards came whilst we were clearing the safe out, we tried to take them out but the alarm was raised pretty much instantly. We had to leg it to the other side of the road to get the cage parts and get the plane to pick it up.
I've stealthed Go Bank a few times now but it is hard work and everyone needs to be on the ball.
The first time we were really close to doing it but then an idiot friend of mine (we'll call him dic) ignored my instruction to stay beside the phone and answer it and instead went into the vault with me.
The phone proceeded to ring and he couldn't get out in time so ran through the lasers.
This was after about 2 hours of trying to stealth it and with numerous wipes but finally we had crowd controlled everyone and literally only had to put 1 more bag into the van before we would have completed it and then he does that.
Honestly I now know why his parents repeatedly tell him he's adopted and not genetically linked to them.
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I'll have to get the lads together (one of them has a saw) and see if we can do the Go bank. Sounds like a lot of careful planning is in order. Fingers crossed we can do it.
Hey guys I got this last August when it came out, but I was with my girlfriend so literally got no time to play it and eventually uninstalled it. Watching some Twitch streams yesterday has made me really wanna play it so can I hook up with you guys in game and maybe show me the ropes? As long as you have a bit of time and patience for a noob :)

Steam name: NeoReloaded2k4

EDIT: I have mic so voice comms isn't a problem.
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