Paying parents rent!

jamoor said:
TBH its just difference in cultures by the sounds of it, 2 of my cousins are 30ish, are married and have kids.
They still "live with their parents" in the same house, but tbh there is a point where it changes when their parents are living with them.

You've just described my vision of hell.
I pay the internet connection which gets shared between myself and the parents. As i dont earn very much, i dont have to pay 'rent' until i get a fulltime/higher payed job. Thankfully.
Unfortunatelly, all electric/electronic stuff in the house i have to do. lol.
I pay £300 a montha nd this thats very fair considering I get:

My meals cooked
My washing/drying ironing done
Internet, TV, Heating etc

So in other words, £70 isnt fair to your parents but its certainly fair to you :P
I think the fact is that they can afford to keep me in the house without charging me, along with 1 sister and 1 brother and a dog in a reasonably large household. We like our luxarys and i think my dad is keen to make me tocuh base with reality before going to university where i will be paying a months rent at home within one week's accomadation.

I guess its each to their own as many parents have many ways to live and bring up their children. I think that we are seeing are these views here about why we should or shouldnt be *charged*, as people have been brought up differently and thats what makes us all individual. I am happy to pay more money if i earn more money as i know that it stays within the family and also give me that piece of mind that i am giving back something (however small) to my family who brought me up over the years.

D.P. said:
If you lived away at uni without a job, and now have a full time job but can't afford to live awya from home then somehting is wrong!!

+ living at home ammounts to torture in anycase :p

Why is something wrong? I earn just about enough to move out, but it would really be scraping it. I would have no money left over to go out or do anything. And anyway, as I have already mentioned, I get on really well with my parents and its far from torture. It would be more like torture being in a rubbish little flat on my own with no one else in the house.
This whole thread reminds me of....

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