Paying parents rent!

My parents brought me up, put me through school, took me on holidays, bought me clothes, toys etc... ok that's what they are "meant" to do I guess... but I put myself through uni, lived away from home for over 5 years 2 of which around the world. They have a house in London that I'm using (they spend over 6 months of the year abroad) but I offered to pay them a decent rent (though a bargain for a smart London area), and of course pay my own bills and food etc.. (it's awful living alone and I find shopping fun! :confused: )

I wouldn't entertain the idea of staying in ANYONES house for a long period of time without offering rent.
to throw some perspective on this...

until recently i was paying £250 a month for my space in a shared household here in bristol. that got me the room. everything else was on top. so 200 quid a month to be fed and watered, and supplied with utilities, not to mention taxes is pretty damn reasonable.
jamoor said:
Can't believe some parents charge their children rent, my parents wouldn't even dream of such a thing.
edit to fix typo

Im 21 so im hardly a child anymore. Unfortunately my parents struggle with their wage, so my rent (around £110 a month) helps them out with shopping, elec bill etc.
As soon as I was out of 6th form I paid rent £100 a month plus helping with round the house things.

My mum was on a low wage so I didn't mind but I did ask for a couple of months break when I was trying to pay off credits before moving abroad.

I think it's a case of being adult about it. I think my mum would have liked me to pay a little even if she didn't need the money, as it taught me something about the cost of living and having to pay for what you use.

Too many people get used to living off their parents, then they get out into the real world and expect it to be the same, it's not.
Everyone in this thread saying it's "unthinkable" and "abhorrent" that a parent would ever charge their 'children' (despite them not being children any more) surely need a dose of reality. Why would you not ask for a small contribution to one of your offspring who was more than capable of standing on his/her own fett? Are you teaching them a good lesson in life by letting them have free lodgings and meals etc etc despite them earning a crust?

You teach nothing but laziness and make it harder for them to get the incentive to get their own place. There's nothing abhorrent or out of order about it, completely the opposist in fact. Fact is if you are earning a wage and not paying your parents rate then there's something very, very wrong. It's disrespectful.
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atpbx said:
My parents never asked me for rent, and i was earning a full adult wage for the last two years i was at home (left at 19)

I wouldnt even entertain the thought of charging my children rent.

I wouldn't even entertain the idea of not paying them rent if you are taking advantage of their house, food, electricity etc whilst earning. Not doing so is simply taking advantage, irrespective of wether the parents can afford it or not.
Johnny Girth said:
Exactly. It's disgusting. My parents wouldn't even consider it. In fact I find it abhorrent that parents would treat their children that way.

Personally I find it abhorrent (well, not quite ;) ) that some adults would expect to be able to live with their parents without contributing financially.

Until the age of 18, fair enough, the parents brought the child into the world so they should be responsible for it. But once you reach adult age, you should consider it a bonus if you get to live at home for free, not a right.

Personally once I got a job I told my dad that I felt I should start paying rent - not a huge amount, just £150/month. To be honest it was partly a ploy to show responsibility so that he would agree to let me have broadband installed, but there you go :)

Which reminds me, in the past I've seen threads from people who've expected their parents to pay the internet bills as well! "Spec us an isp for £15/month or less, that's the most my mum will go up to!"
If i was at home, and had a job, no matter part time etc, if my mum and dad asked for rent i would pay them. They do a heck of a lot for me and if i werent at university now where they have forked out substantial amounts of money for me to come here i would have no problem paying them x amount per month.
brocksta said:
Im 21 so im hardly a child anymore. Unfortunately my parents struggle with their wage, so my rent (around £110 a month) helps them out with shopping, elec bill etc.
Yeah, I guess financial status has something to do with it too.
jamoor i think you have taken most of us wrong, its not our parents forcing us to contribute in the expenses of our family homes , it is us who are taking this step to make them feel better, although the amount is disproportional to the expenses .

I am sure our parents when we give them some quid arent thinking "oh yes thats gonna save me some $, nice" but rather that my son/daughter is a responsible adult taking life seriously . ;)

btw i am living on my own and i have only managed so far buying a scooter :p
Theres a cultural gap here will normally find that there is a trade in of a large degree of freedom and independence for that lack of financial contribution. By the way I hope you dont find this offensive jamoor, it isnt intended to be, merely what I observe...I've been in that position before so I understand how it works.
I pay a base rate of £100 a month to them

On top of that, I pay £40 for my Internet as I only earn around £5-700 a month because of the nature of my job they allow me to pay that as if I have a low month, I have a lot to pay out (I pay another £150 to Car Insurance alone)

So unless I lend any, I pay anything from 150-200 a month, I currently owe them £20, so Ill be paying £160 come Friday..

ANd yes I do believe I get it easy, my dad earns a very comfortable wage so, he doesnt ask for a lot.. my mum works part time, but only because she enjoys her job.
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£70 a month is a very good bargain especially if thats including food and bills. I probably pay £450 a month if I add up my rent, bills, food etc though I don't live with my parents I rent a room.

My brother earns £8/hour, works full time and doesn't even pay my mum rent even though she paid for his car insurance for 3 years and he eats the food she buys, uses the internet etc. I think it's disgusting and if I ever live at home while working i'd definitely pay rent and money towards utilities.

West, your ISP is charging you £40/ month for internet? Thats a ripoff unless you have something like 10mbit cable internet and cable TV.
agw_01 said:
£120 a month here.


I never had to pay while in education though - and its a fair amount considering the electricity i use.

I would give my parents cash even if they didn't ask though - its the least i could do.
Saberu said:
West, your ISP is charging you £40/ month for internet? Thats a ripoff unless you have something like 10mbit cable internet and cable TV.

Exactly what I have, a 10 Meg line... afaik, we have gone back to Sky so in theory my board should go down.. but I still dont mind payin the full ammount :)
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