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Just used Paypal to pay for my new Plantronics in the deals,Ive always prefered to use paypal as sometimes when using online retailers i have issues with my cards...makes it so much mroe simple.
I know, holy thread resurrection and all that.

Minor niggle - when paying via paypal, after you've finished on the paypal side, and been redirected back to Overclockers to confirm and finalise the order, even though you get a list of delivery options, it doesn't let you choose the delivery date there (like it does via your own checkout).

Not a big deal, first available day is fine for this order, sometimes though it might be a small issue.

Only paid by PayPal to use my amex card

Any chance you could get that fixed up? Thanks! :D

I can repost it in OcUK Customer Service or similar subforum if necessary.
I know, holy thread resurrection and all that.

Minor niggle - when paying via paypal, after you've finished on the paypal side, and been redirected back to Overclockers to confirm and finalise the order, even though you get a list of delivery options, it doesn't let you choose the delivery date there (like it does via your own checkout).

Any chance you could get that fixed up? Thanks! :D

I can repost it in OcUK Customer Service or similar subforum if necessary.

I agree with this, it won't let me choose delivery date everytimes I use paypal, but I knew it coming next day delivery but what if we choose different dates in future ?

OCUK need to look into this.
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I know, holy thread resurrection and all that.

Minor niggle - when paying via paypal, after you've finished on the paypal side, and been redirected back to Overclockers to confirm and finalise the order, even though you get a list of delivery options, it doesn't let you choose the delivery date there (like it does via your own checkout).

Actually this is because Paypal want to know the average time between accepting an order and shipping it - the delivery date choice made this problematic so we decided, just for paypal, shipping asap was better.
PayPal also have an annoying feature of ignoring your OcUK delivery options in favour of the ones stored on PayPal...
I'm in Ireland and tried to place an order today with paypal but got this message

"Your address has not been confirmed by Paypal, as we do not accept unconfirmed addresses we must ask that you choose a different payment method through our standard checkout"

My address is confirmed though.

Put a message in cs forum and apparently ocuk only accept paypal on UK orders. Damn it! Now I must order from a competitor for a few pounds more... but the main reason I'm angry is no haribo :(
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