I know, holy thread resurrection and all that.
Minor niggle - when paying via paypal, after you've finished on the paypal side, and been redirected back to Overclockers to confirm and finalise the order, even though you get a list of delivery options, it doesn't let you choose the delivery date there (like it does via your own checkout).
Any chance you could get that fixed up? Thanks!
I can repost it in OcUK Customer Service or similar subforum if necessary.
Wha... the... can't we close these old threads or something?
Wha... the... can't we close these old threads or something?
I know, holy thread resurrection and all that.
Minor niggle - when paying via paypal, after you've finished on the paypal side, and been redirected back to Overclockers to confirm and finalise the order, even though you get a list of delivery options, it doesn't let you choose the delivery date there (like it does via your own checkout).