Payraise.. how much do you expect? how much did you get?

20 Sep 2005
West End, Southampton
Mate that is tight AF. Next time you see HR spit on them. Someone has gone out of their way to identify that and save the company a fiver.
I was told about this in my annual review yesterday so I asked who I could contact if I had any queries about it. My manager (who leaves next month) got really defensive about it as if she has to pay me out of her own pocket. I don't understand these people at all.
I actually misread, they have only offered 3%. Their justification was as you say, May CPIH was 2.8%, so this is an above inflation offer. Can only laugh, as February RPI was always used previously as the base for pay rises, which was 4.5% this year. Either way, unions won't let them get away with it.
One of the reasons they gave for only giving us 2% was inflation coming down, which was only the case in May.. rest of the year to date it was above that!
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