I notice ther is UPLAY+ now with 100+ games but it's 14.99 a month, free 30 day trial though.,
Yeah I think with the prices for Origin and MS Gamepass, Uplay are pricing themselves out a little with that pricing, I can see that dropping eventually.
I do notice it includes premium editions so dlc and expansions and ms or origin don't do that.
Hi Guys,
I appear to have signed up for two accounts, the first for £7.99 Xbox Game Pass and the second £1.00 for Xbox Game Pass PC Games. Can I get rid of the £7.99 account? I do not own an Xbox.
I have the Xbox Game Pass PC and it's £3.99 a month..where did you find the £1 option?
Thank will try thisIt's easier just to use the Windows Store. Head to "My Library", then "Game Pass". It gives a full list of Game Pass titles (Xbox and PC). Most of the included PC games have an "Install" option on this page, though not all.
There's some links on page 9, second post that might help. Those are the ones I followed anyway.
Horrible value thoughI notice ther is UPLAY+ now with 100+ games but it's 14.99 a month, free 30 day trial though.,
I noticed this morning, that 'purchases' seem to give you MS points. Not sure if this is a loophole that will close.
I was looking forward to Uplay+ to try out the missing Assassin's Creed games in my collection.
Yesterday, I downloaded and installed AC: Director's Cut on Steam. Yes, it's an old game but what a pain to get going. No support for gamepad, weird stuttering and multi-second long pauses in gameplay. In the end, I gave up and went to the next one I own, Black Flag. Again, what a jittery, stuttering mess this was. I decided not to bother with Unity and will probably use the Uplay+ trial in September to try out the new games like Far Cry 5 which should work better on PC. I'll wait until I get another Xbox to try the older games in the Ubisoft library now.