*** PC Gaming - Daily Deals Thread ***

That code doesn't seem to work :(

Hmmm, I haven't tried it myself, it was just an email that Square emailed to me. Not sure what to tell you really :(

Edit: In fact, there is a small print that I missed there...apparently you can't use the code against 'Final Fantasy games, Front Mission Evolved or The Last Remnant', should work with the others though, I'll edit the original post.
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I've got spare Origin keys for:
- BF3, (gone)
- Crysis 2, (gone)
- Medal of Honor, (gone)
- Mirror's Edge, (gone)
- Red Alert 3 - Uprising. (gone)

Trust me with the title, but it's first come first serve basis :)
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I just got the Origin Humble Bundle and have a spare BF3 key (since i already have the game)

How can I give it away?
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Hmmm, I haven't tried it myself, it was just an email that Square emailed to me. Not sure what to tell you really :(

Edit: In fact, there is a small print that I missed there...apparently you can't use the code against 'Final Fantasy games, Front Mission Evolved or The Last Remnant', should work with the others though, I'll edit the original post.

Ha, that's just typical. I was going to try and nab FFVII for £4 :D
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