Steam knows they are starting to loose their grip - but what can they do? the next two best platforms are Origin - *and will say their CS us head and shoulders above Steam bar none - then again a potato is better than steam's CS* and GOG - gog's stand alone platform has come a long away - a lot of their sales actually good......and you can dl the exes - so none of this crap going into offline mode first before playing the games.
steam's backend is where they still are most excellent compared to rest - bar maybe EA - if GOG can get their back end as solid as steam - honestly only thing that would keep me using steam is some of the games I have on there ........ and most of my friends I play with are on steamif I can get them on gog.....
Everyone will always use steam its too late to think they are losing there grip it will never happen ive had my account for 12 years and have 370 ish games on there which ill always need its around as long as ill live ill bet.
Most people i know have 1000's in steam already no one is going too turn there back on that.