*** PC Gaming - Daily Deals Thread ***

Diablo 2 Resurrected £11.55 on battle.net. A bunch of other things on sale too.

Just come to post this but to add if you pick the Diablo Prime Evil Collection, you get Diablo II Resurrected and Diablo III with the two DLC's for less price then just buying Diablo III with the DLC's. IN EURO it comes to €13.19 for II and €19.79 for II and III ! Just bought the Evil Collection myself, now waiting for GOG to have a sale on the first Diablo and maybe grab that one to, since it seems to be a short one but then can play them all to follow the story. :p

i am just starting act 3 of 5 of diablo 2 remastered and have D3 to go..... there is a lot of value in that bundle.. its funny really... i have 100s of games i have not played and yet here i am replaying a game i already completed - must be 20 years ago now!.
act 1 , 2 and 3 are split into 6 separate quests look at your quest summary and it will tell you I think. if you are still in the 1st country that you started in you are in act 1 . you travel east and get a cut scene to act 2 which is a desert area then you sail east to act 3 which is foresty, marshy and boggy, then you .... actually I will stop there as it may be considered spoilers what happens then. (I am on act 4 it turns out) ... I think act 4 is smaller with maybe only 3 quests (sorry if am being vague it's been a few weeks and not near my pc... I have been ploughing through bard's tale instead)
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Has anyone else had a look at Amazon Luna?

Quite cool for Prime members - who get a few games free, but mainly for the fact you can use it to access any ubisoft games you already own.

I'm able to play Assassin's Creed on a Fire tablet. Not sure I'll do it much, but high novelty/because-I-can value.
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Battlestar Galactica Deadlock Free on steam

I spent so much time on these games back in the day, great games. I fear that nostalgia may get the better of me now they are so old.

Same as me dude! I'm just about to purchase settlers III :D

Here's a link to all the games, I still have The Settlers Amiga version boxed :D

Settlers games
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