PC Gaming what state will it be in 10 years from now.

I think cloud computing will have taken off by then, people will be apprehensive at first, but it seems to be where we are heading.
I foresee many ridiculous statements from console fanboys and PC elitist fools in this thread.

Couldn't have put it better.

Each platform has its place in the market, neither is 'the way forward', one is not superior to the other.

Things will remain as they are until something new comes along and takes some market share from one/all of the platforms. Cloud computing as mentioned above could come along a decade from now and decimate all other forms of gaming, there's no way of knowing. I mean, a decade ago 512k internet connections were considered the height of technology, god knows what's on the horizon.
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Gaming on PC will be around for as long as the PC exists, simply because as a computing device it will always have an ability to play games in one form or another.

Any mobile phone from the last ten years can play a game of some description. So games will always exist and be available for mobiles, just the same as it will for the PC.

PC gaming will exist for as long as the PC does.
Just need to have games that beat consoles games. As there are a lot i would like on the pc but wont be on. Also pc will keep moving away from SP games and move to soley mp or mmo games as thats where the money is which is a shame. :(
At least your friend isnt a moron, as many console-only gamers are. I once had someone tell me that Halo invented DeathMatch.

Please don't suggest there's some sort of superior mentality that comes with your platform choice. Play WoW to see the PC's answer to XBox Live. The morons are everywhere, you are just being selective.
I think the answer hinges in part on whatever Microsoft decide to do with their future operating systems. We are at their mercy to some degree.
Please don't suggest there's some sort of superior mentality that comes with your platform choice. Play WoW to see the PC's answer to XBox Live. The morons are everywhere, you are just being selective.

Very well put.

I hate it when people judge a person on what their gaming platform of choice is, it's a laughable attitude tbh.
because in 2012 the war between consoles and PCs will escalate to a global level and the PCs will nuke the planet off the face of the planet.
A couple of today's news:

-Sony expects $1.5 billion! net loss with the gaming division experiencing the biggest losses.
-Blizzard tops "develop top 100" for 2009

not the best day to talk about console gaming taking over... right?
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I honestly couldn't care less which is on top in 10 years. As long as there's a platform for me to play on the games i like i will be using that platform/s. What is a problem is if gaming genres start to fade out. I would cry if there were no rts games, starcraft and korea will make sure that wont happen (nuclear war excluded).

Currently i probably prefer my xbox, play it more than my pc... untill arma2 come out.
Apart from online, I hardly meet anyone who seems to be into PC gaming, though in real life everyone seems to prefer 360/PS3. And given the expense of PC gaming compared to the cost of console can it sustain itself long term. Is it conceivable that consoles hooked up to HD TV running online word processors will start to replace the desktop PC for normal domestic use?

lol wut?
Apart from online, I hardly meet anyone who seems to be into PC gaming, though in real life everyone seems to prefer 360/PS3. And given the expense of PC gaming compared to the cost of console can it sustain itself long term. Is it conceivable that consoles hooked up to HD TV running online word processors will start to replace the desktop PC for normal domestic use?

only my family/cousins i know IN REAL LIFE that play on the pc. i play with them all the time whether its L4D/CSS/DOD/Tactical Ops/ UT/ COD 4 etc HOWEVER i dont know any 1 else apart from my family who play PC Online games. Every1 plays the PS3/X360.

Please don't suggest there's some sort of superior mentality that comes with your platform choice. Play WoW to see the PC's answer to XBox Live. The morons are everywhere, you are just being selective.

Moron was a bad choice of words tbh, what I mean is that they are not very well educated on the history of gaming.. Tose that think Halo was the first ever DM game, and FF was the first ever rpg etc.
it always makes me laugh when i see people saying stuff like "well i only know 1 person that plays PC games the rest all play console" as if their personal experience is somehow an accurate representation of the global computer games economy.

i'm not slating anyone who has done this as often its in response to an opposition argument using the same point - but it really is a pointless argument.

Its like someone who lives in Newcastle saying - All my friends support Newcastle United and only one supports Man U therefore Newcastle have more fans in the world.
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