PC Nostalgia (Pick a moment in time)

First PC was made by Time and my god it was terrible. Came with FIFA 97, Unreal and Theme Hospital. Loved FIFA because you could slide tackle the keeper :D

Had to send it back because there were so many problems with it. Can't remember the exact spec but my parents had a right job getting their deposit back. Time were so useless they sent a cheque twice for them so we put that towards a new one.
around 1993/94. My Dad had bought himself a gateway 2000 pentium 90mhz which was absolutely top end back then. It was up in the top room and I remember installing the doom shareware edition and being absolutely blown away. Especially by the shotgun sound for some reason. Then a short while later, we got hold of a 486 dx2 66mhz from his work and i had it in my room. We managed to network them (i seem to recall it took ages and was really complicated for some reason!) and i then had my eyes opened to the fantastic world of networked gaming. Innocent times :D
I remember selling my SNES and my Amiga to fund my PC in about 1995. It was a 486 DX4 100, 4mb ram, 540mb hard drive, and a 14" Taxan monitor. It had no CD drive or Sound Card. I upgraded it later on with a samsung 4x CD-ROM from staples, a 'Sound Blaster 16 Compatible' sound card. That PC shaped me into the person i am today lol.

I actually built this 'Beast' not so long back! 200mmx, 64mb 66mhz SDram, Gigabyte Intel TX motherboard, 3DFX Voodoo Banshee, Yamaha OPL3 & OPL4 Sound Card. Yamaha SW60XG Midi Sound card. Runs Dos/Win95 like a dream!


That case! Damn!
There has been no finer football game than FIFA 99. Such good gameplay and so simple. I've never actually enjoyed playing any subsequent football sim.

Edit - hah, the fools that bought a voodoo 3! Such disappointment after the dream of owning twin voodoo 2 cards!
The first time I ever played a PC game was Vietcong on my mate's dad's computer. I can't really remember the technical details now, just that it ran so smooth and looked so sharp and was so responsive compared to the consoles we were playing on at the time. Whenever we went around, we tried to play a game or two whenever his old man was out.

I think one of the first big buys I did in adulthood was a proper gaming PC setup, I haven't looked back ever since.

And of course, that moment of absolute dejection, despair and then total panic every time a new build doesn't boot up - I overlooked an obvious cable every single time.
For me it was Return to Castle Wolfenstein then Enemy Territory, then a long long period of the PC doldrums until i found Age of Conan and a great CLAN community which moved onto COD (The one with the Brazilian favellas, everyone thought it was a crap COD game but i loved it)

Now its just Dirty Bomb and the odd game of Elite (which is just so damm boring)
I remember playing Age of Empires 2 on MSN Game Zone, still have the game but I think MSN Game Zone is long gone.
Christmas day when half life was released. Couple of upgrades to install and then load up the best game I had ever played and still a favourite.

A few years earlier setting up local multiplayer with a cross over cable between a mate and my 486 sx 25s to play doom and getting so into it over a period of days that I turned around with an imaginary shot gun when someone came into the room.
hate to say it but...

the dark days of me being a console peasant on ps2, when games came with an engaging plot and good single player campaigns that took days rather than minutes to complete because online gaming on consoles really hadnt taken off yet.

close second would be back when i started playing joint ops, man i loved playing that online with my step dad shouting at each other between rooms because neither of us had a proper headset.

although i wouldn't really want to go back to those days now, yes i have fond memories and occasionally jump in for a bit of nostalgia but tbh gaming now is still awesome when you find the right game and avoid the re-cycled big brand rubbish that's being chucked out every year.
It would have to be between the late-ish 90s and early 2000 years for me.

Started with a 500mhz TinyPC funded by my first part time job - I think it had a Riva TNT 2 card in it and a 10gb hd. :)

The glory days of playing the original Unreal Tournament and Ultima Online with mates from collage - being the first mmo I'd played it was amazing to be connected and speaking to people all over the world, even if it was on a crap 56k connection. :)

The early 2000 years for crackers like Dark Age of Camelot and the original Planetside, mainly because of the great people and community really. :)

Edit: forgot to mention ICQ - the IM service of kings, well, at the time. :)
a good lan party is what i miss.

remember being able to kill someone then throw em a cheeky grin, the fun, noise, banter of the evening
was always great.


then mohaa just took over our nights

some great laughs on crimson skies, revolt came into its own as well all raced then spent the rest of
the week modding the cars altering the txt file, that was fun.

then the network play started to disappear from titles leading to the lone bedroom player of today.

quite sad really.
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