PC Nostalgia (Pick a moment in time)

I loved the dialup Wireplay community in 98/99 - Jedi Knight, Action Quake 2, TFC, an experimental 64 player Quake 2 server that often fell over and many regulars. The closest things to it in the following years were Ultima Online and the servers hosted by Jolt, Barrysworld, etc, for CS and DoD. Private parties and the like have killed the community feeling; I might as well be taking on advanced bots.

As for hardware, the Radeon 9700 Pro was a cracking purchase. BF1942 ran like a dream.

So many names I had forgotten. I used to live on Wireplay.
My earliest memory of pc gaming is playing roller coaster tycoon at my best friends house and making a death coaster that would catapult your poor victims into the stratosphere. Then after much moaning my dad got us one of those god awful E machines pc's and all I played was carmaggeddon 2 great memories.
I've owned a PC since 1994, 1st one was a 486 SX33 with Windows 3.1 & backed up on 100 floppy discs. No CD rom, sound card or Modem & a black & white inkjet printer. USB was unheard of back then & I knew nothing about the internet/WWW, that arrived 4 years later. Spent a fair amount of cash on upgrades to that PC (extra 4MB Ram, CD Rom & soundcard, Scanner, Colour printer, & a DX4 100MHZ overdrive CPU). Started building my own in 2003. Single biggest improvement in that time for me (in any Computer Ive owned) has been the introduction of Solid State drives. Improved performance no end.
+1 for the Orchid Righteous 3Dfx card. Got one for my AMD K6 200, and fired up GLQuake for the first time. Filtered textures, transparent water, smooth graphics (the FPU was severely lacking in the K6 vs the Intel processors at the time). My time was spent trying to find Glide patches for my other games, such as Screamer 2 and EF2000!
Around 2003, I bought a 2.6ghz pentium 4, a gig of ram and a 9800 pro which was an absolute monster. Played morrowind, freelancer, hidden and dangerous and towards 2004 battlefield Vietnam, half life 2, Rome total war, far cry and many others! Probably the most enjoyable years of gaming and the reason why I probably "underachieved" in school
I agree games were more stimulating and exciting back then each year games looked and sounded amazing for me, an example would be Call of Duty compared to Call of Duty 2 such a leap I thought it almost looked real back then it was such a huge jump so school work could never compete haha.
Good old days of CS, UO, BF2142, UT, Quake, etc.

Had several PC's back in the day, some I can't remember and some that I can.

Back then was so much exciting, new games and components.

Miss those days! :(
If we're moving into non-PC years then:

Getting up an hour early each day so I could learn Basic programming on my VIC 20 before school.

Elite on my C64.

Populous and Populous II over datalink to play against a friend.
Lots of good times. As a kid

From playing International Karate with pals on a C64

Mario Kart and Street Fighter 2 on a 60hz SNES

Then on a PC playing with autoexec.bat and configure.sys to get a game going.

Those were the fun days.
I'd go back to the day that I installed a PPC accelerator card & PPC graphics card into my Amiga1200.
AmigaOS was always super smooth, but with this software like Photogenics, DPaint & similar were dreamy :D

Doom modded & Quake were great on them too.

I miss my Amiga's :(
I remember selling my SNES and my Amiga to fund my PC in about 1995. It was a 486 DX4 100, 4mb ram, 540mb hard drive, and a 14" Taxan monitor. It had no CD drive or Sound Card. I upgraded it later on with a samsung 4x CD-ROM from staples, a 'Sound Blaster 16 Compatible' sound card. That PC shaped me into the person i am today lol.

I actually built this 'Beast' not so long back! 200mmx, 64mb 66mhz SDram, Gigabyte Intel TX motherboard, 3DFX Voodoo Banshee, Yamaha OPL3 & OPL4 Sound Card. Yamaha SW60XG Midi Sound card. Runs Dos/Win95 like a dream!

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