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PC vs Console, has high GPU prices played a part?

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6 Feb 2019
It seems like it has.

Data has been revealed that shows 30% of all PC Gamers in America own a PS4, that's after 9 years on the market.

And it also shows that nearly 10% of PC gamers now own a PS5 after just 10 months.

with a lot of Sony games now coming to PC I'd have thought in general there would be fewer PC gamers trying to move over.

So it would appear that the performance per dollar of the PS5 and other next gen consoles being far superior to a PC is weighing heavily on the market. Lots of PC gamers are buying a console because PC parts cost too much
7 Dec 2010
It's a different type of gaming because you crash on the sofa infront of the tv and then the exclusives you can only get on PS, not all games are coming to PC and when most do, it will be like 3 years after they come to PC "I know Sony said more games coming to PC, but they never said they will release new exclusives at same time as PS one comes out", but we will see. Reality console gaming is different to PC gaming and nice to sometimes crash in living room and just play on a console than even a HTPC gaming rig linked to the TV.

What you will also find is most people that own PC and like gaming will have a PS, now with gamepass on xbox it has also changed how people buy consoles I think a lot of people now that have a PC and don't want a pc in living room but think well I own the games so I should buy an XBOX and play them in living room too as you don't have to buy them again "well ones on the pc and xbox". It's changing again the mentality on consoles for PC gamers.

Also lets get real too, consoles are getting very powerful now and most people can't tell the difference between a highend pc and a new gen console, average Joe gamer doesn't care about 120fps and max settings as they can't tell the difference in most cases and just looks overpriced to them the PC market especially now with silly prices for parts for a PC. Also console games have gone up in price and PC games, so people finding ways to cut their gaming costs too. It's getting expensive now.
1 May 2013
So it would appear that the performance per dollar of the PS5 and other next-gen consoles being far superior to a PC is weighing heavily on the market. Lots of PC gamers are buying a console because PC parts cost too much

How did you come to this conclusion?

Where's the data?
Why wouldn't PC gamers also have a console too?
What is this trying to prove?
21 Jun 2006
It seems like it has.

Data has been revealed that shows 30% of all PC Gamers in America own a PS4, that's after 9 years on the market.

And it also shows that nearly 10% of PC gamers now own a PS5 after just 10 months.

with a lot of Sony games now coming to PC I'd have thought in general there would be fewer PC gamers trying to move over.

So it would appear that the performance per dollar of the PS5 and other next gen consoles being far superior to a PC is weighing heavily on the market. Lots of PC gamers are buying a console because PC parts cost too much

How is your hypothesis linked to the data?

The way I see it is. PC gamers tend to be more hardcore gamers. As in they are more likely to own the latest and greatest. I used to own every console. I also used to own a gaming pc at the same time as every console. I now own just a nintendo switch which gets barely any use and a gaming PC. So I haven't switched to consoles due to costs.

I'd say PC gamers who own consoles as well are more likely to buy a console at launch than your average console gamer.

None of the people I play PC games with are switching to consoles. In fact 2 of them got 3080's thanks to me. I sent them the link when it dropped and told them both how to order it. Both got one on the same drop.

Also the idea that I can't afford to spend £400-£500 on a GPU so I'll spend £500 on a console is absurd. Makes zero sense.

PC gamers aren't switching to console no more so than they have done in the past. Every person I game with online is still there gaming online today and some also own consoles but have always done so and will continue to do so. The idea that they will switch to console gaming because of a temporary rise in prices isn't the case. A handful will but they were likley to do it anyway without a gpu shortager
6 Feb 2019
How did you come to this conclusion?

Where's the data?
Why wouldn't PC gamers also have a console too?
What is this trying to prove?

Data from NPD Player Pulse analysis



The only I'm trying to highlight is that PS5 adoption among US PC gamers is several times faster than PS4 adoption was. The PS5 is seen in a far more positive light than last gen was - and I'm only guessing that the reason for this is the competitive performance vs the average PC gamer who has a gtx1060 and can't afford a rtx3060
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22 Nov 2018
I chose PC gaming for specific reasons

1. Keyboard/mouse suopport in games
2. Moddable games
3. Great VR support
4. Free multiplayer gaming without a rip-off subscription

A console cant do the above so I dont care how cheap they get. Consoles could be given away free and I'd still want a PC as well.

To those who switch due to cost: why choose PC gaming in the first place? I dont understand people suddenly switching due to cost? Surely they chose PC gaming because it could do something that a console cant? and still cant?
30 Sep 2021
Minas Morgul
the destruction of midrange hardware will make more and more people transition to consoles. lots of people in our country have always built their PCs around 760s 770s 970s 960s 1060s 570s 580s and such. and ofc the star 5700xt recently, and to some extent, the 2060 and 5600xt

now though? overpriced 3060 (msrp), and barely any stocks, overly expensive prices for 3060ti and stuff. i have at least 5 friends who would've built a PC if there were 250-300 dollar midrange gpus to buy, but now they have picked series s/x/ps5 instead. more and more people end up like them. series s was a smart push by microsoft, certainly it has its own demography. these people wont be coming back to PC either , if game pass ends up a huge success especially

i can never leave pc gaming though. freedom of PC space is just something else for me. :/ but its becoming an extremely expensive hobby as time goes on. at this rate even building a mediocre pc that tries to match a xbox sx/ps5 will end up be priced at 1200+ dollars...
29 Oct 2019
Also the idea that I can't afford to spend £400-£500 on a GPU so I'll spend £500 on a console is absurd. Makes zero sense.
£400-£500 GPU plus all the other components they may need to upgrade, e.g. PSU to support the new power hungry GPU, new NVMe drive to match the loading times of consoles. PS5 at £360 for a complete system and controller is way cheaper.
18 Feb 2015
No, it hasn't. And I'd be wary of "research" groups which tell you 10% of PC gamers have a PS5 when they couldn't possibly have shipped that many in the first place, let alone all of them go to players who are primarily PC ones.
5 Dec 2008
I'm one who has all three, I purchased an entire new rig so ignore sig spec. PS5 and Series S both at launch no issues getting them.

I also have an Xbox Series S and PS5. My reasons are it's my main hobby but also sometimes i just wanna chill on the sofa/bed to game not stuck at a desk.

The gaming experience is also different, for example some games for me control wise don't translate well to a consol.

Plus some games I just prefer to play on a PC, I've never thought battlefield series works as well on consols as an example.

Then we have game pass I like how I can continue forza from my pc to my xbox seemless.

There is the friend element too, some only have a ps5 etc, cross play does make that bit easier now but still not ever game supports it
18 May 2010
I am an example of this, I'm 40 and gamed on PC exclusively since my young teens.

That changed when the prices went ridiculous end of last year beginning of this year and I sold up bought a Series X and had plenty of change

I'm actually enjoying the change a lot more than I thought I would and I wont be building a gaming pc anytime soon

And to the person who said consoles are for crashing on front of the sofa that's not particularly true, plenty of people have them on a desk setup and a monitor including me. For now anyway I would prefer it on a TV because I'm missing out on full HDR Console gaming on an OLED TV which I'm sure will make me love it even more than I do now when I get more room and a 42" OLED next year
18 Oct 2002
Somewhere in the middle.
All I know is that my rtx 3070 5600x pc sits redundant while I game on my xbox series x.

Turning on a pc and launching a game is considerably more faff. Quick resume on the Xbox means I'm in game within about ten seconds of waking the console up. People will say "my pc takes the same time bla bla bla" but honestly the new console experience is just so much more swift that I've felt my pc is just a pita.

I know my pc can outperform my xbox on lots of games but the simple gaming focused nature of my xbox totally outweighs any fps differences.

I played hades last night on my series x and although I've put 50+hrs into it on my pc the fact that the Xbox sat silently and ran the game just aswell made it a winner too.

And for the record my xbox is currently plugged into the same dell 27in g sync hdr monitor with vrr that my pc is.
25 Apr 2017
A PC gamer will never move to consoles. Mouse/Keyboard support in FPS games is a life saver. I have a PS5 and its hell trying to play a shooter with those controllers. There is also no FOV slider on pretty much any game on consoles. Try playing RE Village with that limited FOV. Makes me nauseous. PC Games can be modded, see CP2077, mod support has made the PC version a completely different beast compared to consoles. Also, with the consoles, you have no control over the graphics settings as the developer restricts it as per their choice of what makes it look good. For instance, a lot of console games dont have high anisotropic filtering, which defeats the purpose of hig hresolution textures as everything in front of you would look blurry. I would rather turn down other graphics settings and keep it on Ultra. FPS is limited to 60 and you don't get native 4k on 99% of the games on the store, even the older games. The Arkham Trilogy still runs at 30 FPS on PS5.

The only reason I have a PS5 is to play the exclusives and the occasional unoptimised PC game. If a game was available on both PC and PS5, I would get it on PC.
18 Oct 2002
Somewhere in the middle.
A PC gamer will never move to consoles. Mouse/Keyboard support in FPS games is a life saver. I have a PS5 and its hell trying to play a shooter with those controllers. There is also no FOV slider on pretty much any game on consoles. Try playing RE Village with that limited FOV. Makes me nauseous. PC Games can be modded, see CP2077, mod support has made the PC version a completely different beast compared to consoles. Also, with the consoles, you have no control over the graphics settings as the developer restricts it as per their choice of what makes it look good. For instance, a lot of console games dont have high anisotropic filtering, which defeats the purpose of hig hresolution textures as everything in front of you would look blurry. I would rather turn down other graphics settings and keep it on Ultra. FPS is limited to 60 and you don't get native 4k on 99% of the games on the store, even the older games. The Arkham Trilogy still runs at 30 FPS on PS5.

The only reason I have a PS5 is to play the exclusives and the occasional unoptimised PC game. If a game was available on both PC and PS5, I would get it on PC.

Well considering one costs £450 and the other costs nearly £1500-2000 in the current climate them kinda differences should be expected :).
25 Apr 2017
Well considering one costs £450 and the other costs nearly £1500-2000 in the current climate them kinda differences should be expected :).
IMO consoles and PCs are 2 entirely different markets which will never overlap. A console may be cheaper but for someone who is used to what a PC offers, the £1500 gaming PC will have more value than £450 on a console.

Also its only cheap in the short term. 60 FPS games may be a standard right now but 3 years down the line when the production value of games increases, devs will revert back to high fidelity 30 FPS on consoles and unlike a PC you can't drop in a £500 6600 XT tier card to upgrade the experience. You are stuck to 30 FPS.
29 Oct 2019
60 FPS games may be a standard right now but 3 years down the line when the production value of games increases, devs will revert back to high fidelity 30 FPS on consoles and unlike a PC you can't drop in a £500 6600 XT tier card to upgrade the experience. You are stuck to 30 FPS.
Nonsense, 60fps is the baseline for consoles now, there's no way there will be games at 30fps with no 60fps performance option going forward.
18 Oct 2002
Somewhere in the middle.
IMO consoles and PCs are 2 entirely different markets which will never overlap. A console may be cheaper but for someone who is used to what a PC offers, the £1500 gaming PC will have more value than £450 on a console.

Also its only cheap in the short term. 60 FPS games may be a standard right now but 3 years down the line when the production value of games increases, devs will revert back to high fidelity 30 FPS on consoles and unlike a PC you can't drop in a £500 6600 XT tier card to upgrade the experience. You are stuck to 30 FPS.

I just played latest age of empires on my pc. A game that is ideal on a pc. I took my headphones off to find my Gpu and cpu making an absolute racket. I have a noctua nhu12a and a 3070fe. In comparison the Xbox sat silently through 3 hours of gaming last night.

Maybe my pc settings aren't all correct or something but that's one additional annoyance that my pc offers.

If aoe was on xbox that would be my preferred platform because the system is silent and I know they'd give it mouse support.
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