PC5300 vs PC6400

15 Jul 2007
I'm soon going to be upgrading to a core 2 duo setup. I was just trying ot decide which RAM to get. I plan to get 2Gb.

Is it worth spending a few extra quid on getting PC6400 instead of PC5400?

I've never overclocked before so that isnt an issue.
dan1987 said:
Would have to agree with this. I have it in 2 seperate computers and it clocks really well for the price.

Whats your speed and timings on yours?

Only done a quick test but mine did 560Mhz 2.1v 5-5-5-18 (Set my 6300 to x6 muiti by mistake :p )
Thats with the mobo doing the timings but I'm sure they could be tighten :)
I got some Corsiar PC5400 that does 800mhz 4-4-4-12-T1 at stock volts.

But if you definately need 800mhz without any gambles, then get PC6400.
Well games will gain a handful of FPS, and encoding will gain a slight boost. But nothing particular major if not overclocking the CPU.
but won't there be a limit in there set by the read speed of the hard drive(s)? or is there significant data transfer between the ram and something else too?
SS-89 said:
im running at 900mhz 4-4-4-15 2.15v and my bandwidth is 6820 MB/s

Were are you finding what your bandwidth is?

I just did the Memory read benchmark on Everest, and I got back 6024MB/S, with a E6700 @ 2.6Ghz and a ram with latencys of 5-5-5-18-T2 getting 6904MB/S comapred to mine at 4-4-4-12-T2,800Mhz, 3.2Ghz

Memory Wright benchmark I got 5908mb/s
Memory Copy benchmark I got 3853mb/s
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Admiral Huddy said:
Yes where are you seeing this.. This could be the actual bandwidth being used and not it's theoretical or peak bandwidth. at a guess.

What do you use? I've been looking on Everest, and my CPU is performing lower than an E6700 at 2.6Ghz, and ram seems to be underperforming, bit weird tbh :confused:
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