Peaky Blinders -New BBC series, 1919 Brummie Gangsters

We watched and somewhat liked series 5, but it also disappointed.
The Oswald Mosley storyline didn't feel connected to what we expected from PB.
Michael's deception and Arthur's troubles with his wife seemed to have some continuity with what was expected.
It was good to see Alfie back, but it was sad that only happened in the last episode.
Started this last month and just finished season 5.

Have to say, it's definitely gone in to my top TV shows list, although I was left disappointed with the way Season 5 went and finished. Just read Season 6 is likely to be 2021 as well! That's a long wait :eek:
First 3 seasons were great, 4 and 5 were very poor IMO. I'll still watch it though, cos it has slo-mo walks with moody music and steel foundry sparks and that.
new series is precocious junk, they obviously think that moody music (not even mr cave now), stylised scenes, is compensation for poor script/plot,
watched about 10minutes and turned off, the director is not a David Lynch
they string out those scenes, slow walking, dialogue, to amortize the CGI/set costs.

I would say I'm out but that series too needs retirement - parody of itself, with the comic mansplaining
Thought it was a fairly slow start.
I think it's way past its hay days.
Cillian Murphy is just so cliché now. The brooding pyscho.... I'm sure he'll manage to kill himself by the end of this run.
Been a downward trend since the end of S3, more style than substance each episode now. Remove the pauses in the latest episode and about 10/15 minutes of content.

I still watch it, I still moan, I still enjoy it but fully aware of what a parody of itself it's becoming.
I'm guessing lots of people lost interest in this. I'm surprised not to see a bump since last night's finale.

To be fair, they messed up a lot of this season and the last. The ending wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but it's nowhere near the peak of the show back in the earlier seasons.
it was well shot pretty decent acting but like any big show its hard to decide how to finish it off. many shows struggle to make a good ending.

also the ending is only the way it is for money. which is a shame.
Great finale for the most part of basically what was an absolutely terrible season.

Felt like they held all the cards till the last episode and sacrificed competent writing in the other 5 episodes to get there.

The whole Ruby thing really left me with a sour attitude towards the show as they had no right to dangle that emotional thread so early on with absolutely no setup for it in the first place. It was weak writing based around a character that had less than a sentence on the script for 6 seasons.

They also turned Mosley from a fierce villian into a comedy side kick.

As most would agree the show was already losing its way well before this season but this was the last gut punch. I dont care much for the movie, il watch it but no doubt it will be a pointless charade to churn in a last bit of extra cash.
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Great finale for the most part of basically what was an absolutely terrible season.

Felt like they held all the cards till the last episode

Yeah, I think I agree. It seemed very slow, but then the action in the finale was finally pretty good.

I think shows like this struggle when the main guys become super rich and life becomes easier. (Only Fools and Horses style :cry: )
Great finale for the most part of basically what was an absolutely terrible season.

Felt like they held all the cards till the last episode and sacrificed competent writing in the other 5 episodes to get there.

The whole Ruby thing really left me with a sour attitude towards the show as they had no right to dangle that emotional thread so early on with absolutely no setup for it in the first place. It was weak writing based around a character that had less than a sentence on the script for 6 seasons.

They also turned Mosley from a fierce villian into a comedy side kick.

As most would agree the show was already losing its way well before this season but this was the last gut punch. I dont care much for the movie, il watch it but no doubt it will be a pointless charade to churn in a last bit of extra cash.

Well said - pretty much agree with all this.

Mosley was just a joke in the last few episode - so over the top "pantomime villain"

End was decent but felt the rest of the Season 6 was very weak..... Suddenly throwing in a son he never knew he had and thrusting him into the middle of the ending/family was a bit out the blue.

Always tough to end things as people will always want more/less/better endings but overall based on the first 2/3 series - very good watch.
Good first and last episode - pity about the stuff in the middle.

Should have dropped the Mosely storyline after the failed assassination last season and just concentrated on Michael and Arthur looking for revenge for Polly.

The Ruby storyline was okay bu that ending was awful - rather reminicent of Dallas and Bobby waking up in the shower to realise it was all a dream. "lets con Tommy into killing himself and then have the 2 Dr's appear in a wedding photo that is bound to be on every front page going - great plan dear"

After Polly they needed a strong character to back up Tommy - that person was Arthur but instead they reduced him to a bumbling wreck for 90% of the series.

Poor way to end a great show.
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