What was the aim of the person who planted the mines?
Was it A. that the son would go out to see the cross and be blown up first and then Thomas would find the note? Or was it intended to kill Thomas himself in which case he might have never seen the note and would be unable to work for the Billy Boys as he would be dead?
:-/ confused.
Or is it C, bad writing?
This season is an utter mess so far. It feels more about quality and staged poses in period dress than having a coherent story.
It felt like it was going that way last season and I think it's probably reached its nadir. Tommy has gone like Ragnar in Vikings all weird and broody and posing and not talking to anyone then will suddenly drop some amazing solution.from nowhere that only makes sense to him and will save the day.
Will watch the series out but if this is the quality going forward I hope this is the last season.